“You mentioned the Duke of Woodmont.”
Lady Danbury smiled radiantly. “Yes, the final Second Son is now home from the military. Lord Kingston’s older cousin recently passed and so his younger cousin and great friend has returned after selling his commission. His Grace has gone to Essex and his country seat to adjust to his new role in life but he has promised me he will come to our house party.”
The duchess looked at Minta with interest. “So, you have met Lord Kingston. What did you think of him?”
The question startled her and Lady Middlefield chuckled, saying, “My cousin can be quite direct, Miss Nicholls. I hope you don’t mind her boldness.”
“I was direct before I was a duchess and now that I am one, I can get away with so much more.” Mischief twinkled in Her Grace’s eyes. “I noticed you blushed when Kingston’s name was mentioned, Miss Nicholls. He is like a brother to the three of us and a brother to our husbands as well.”
“Yes, he has told me of the Second Sons.”
“Has he?” Lady Danbury asked. “That means you must have seen him since my husband and I departed from Kingwood.”
“I have, my lady,” she told the trio. “He came to visit me after I sprained my ankle, bringing me flowers. He came another time to visit, as well.”
She felt her face flame as she recalled the marquess’ fervent kisses.
Her Grace leaned over and took Minta’s hand. “Tell us everything, Miss Nicholls.” She squeezed her hand encouragingly.
Hesitantly, she said, “I believed we formed a small attachment. Sera, my twin, is quite shy. Especially around those she has just met. Lord Kingston was extremely quiet the night he and Lord and Lady Danbury came to dine with my aunt, uncle, and me. I guessed his nature was much like Sera’s and we spoke of it.”
“You did?” Lady Middlefield asked. “Why, that is wonderful. Percy does not open up to many people. He must trust you greatly to have done so.”
Percy.She had not known the marquess’ Christian name until now and smiled, thinking it fit him well.
“He’s kissed you, hasn’t he?” Her Grace suddenly asked.
Color and heat flooded Minta’s cheeks and the duchess said, “I knew it!”
“I did not say Lord Kingston had, Your Grace,” she protested.
The duchess smiled triumphantly. Squeezing Minta’s hand again, she said, “Percy is notoriously reserved. To have shared a kiss with you and told you about the Second Sons means a great deal, Miss Nicholls.” She paused. “I have a feeling the two of you will get to know each other much better as the Season begins. Or even before,” she mused.
“What are you thinking?” Lady Middlefield asked. When the duchess did not immediately reply, the countess told Minta, “Her Grace was known as a matchmaker before her own marriage to the Duke of Camden. She recommended certain young ladies to a handful of eligible bachelors each year.”
“And was quite successful at it,” Lady Danbury added.
The duchess finally released Minta’s hand and looked at her sagely. “Since Percy is so comfortable in your company, Miss Nicholls, we will have to see that he is in it more often—even before the Season begins. By the time it arrives, he might have already made up his mind regarding a bride.”
“What do you suggest?” Lady Middlefield asked. “A dinner? A trip to the theatre?”
“Why not both?” Lady Danbury said. “I do not mind hosting Lord and Lady Westlake at dinner tomorrow evening. Of course, we are down in numbers with Owen having gone to Woodbridge for the week with Win.” She glanced to Minta. “Each of our three husbands is spending a week with the new Duke of Woodmont, tutoring him in estate matters and the duties of a duke.”
“Then we must invite an extra gentleman to balance the numbers.” Looking at Minta, Her Grace added, “It must be a bachelor, of course. No sense in having another male unless he is someone new we can introduce Miss Nicholls to. We can’t have her putting all her eggs into one basket in case she and Percy do not suit.”
She shook her head. “I am not certain that Lord Kingston is quite ready to see me,” Minta shared. “You see, he left Essex rather abruptly. After he kissed me. He apologized—and was gone.”
All three women looked at her knowingly and Lady Danbury said, “Then it is imperative that we bring the two of you together as soon as possible to end any awkwardness.” She grinned. “And encourage him to possibly kiss you again.”
“That would be wonderful, my lady,” she said to her hostess.
The door opened and Minta looked up to see two very dashing gentlemen entering the drawing room.
And Lord Kingston trailed after them.