“Would you care for an aperitif, Your Grace?” Marsh asked, a tray of drinks in his hands.

“Yes, thank you,” Everett said, glad that he had something to hold to keep his hand occupied.

And hoping he wouldn’t spill it as nervousness set in.

The butler left once the drinks had been dispersed and Spencer said, “We were just discussing news Louisa—Miss Goulding—brought us. Tell him.”

Miss Goulding said, “Bonaparte’s victories in the Six Days’ Campaign have not made a difference. Papa has received word that the leaders of Paris have surrendered to the Coalition.”

He sighed in relief. “That is incredibly good news.”

“Uncle Edgar said spies have sent word that the French advisory body will now turn against the Little Corporal,” Lady Adalyn added. “That he will most likely be deposed since the Allies fight against Bonaparte—not France.”

“Papa believes France will offer the country honorable peace terms if Bonaparte is removed from power,” Miss Goulding continued. “It seems that the Bourbon monarchy would once more be restored.”

“That would mean the war would finally be over,” Spencer said with glee. “The Second Sons could come home.”

“The Second Sons?” Lady Adalyn asked, turning her gaze upon him.

“It is a nickname our little band of friends came up with,” Everett explained. “We five were all the second child to be born in our families. Tradition has second sons entering the army though occasionally one will join the navy.”

“I am aware of that practice,” she said. “Would that mean your friends would be free to part ways with the military with the war ending?”

“I am afraid not,” he shared. “Second sons don’t inherit their fathers’ titles or wealth. For them, the military is a lifelong commitment. Spence and I are exceptions since our older brothers died without leaving an heir.”

“But surely they will return to England once the threat of Bonaparte is gone,” Tessa said, looking dismayed. “Even if they do remain officers.”

“For a time,” Spencer said. “Then they will ship out for other parts of the world. North America, most likely, since we are still engaged at war with our American cousins.” He slipped an arm about his wife’s waist. “But I do hope Owen, Win, and Percy will be home long enough for you to meet them, love.”

“I hope so, too,” she said. “I know how much you think of them.”

Marsh appeared. “Dinner is served, my lord.”

“Will you see my cousins into dinner?” Tessa asked him.

“Of course.” Everett offered his arms. “Ladies?”

They each took one and he led them into the meal. With such a small group, the conversation was easy to follow and quite lively. Miss Goulding proved to be highly intelligent and could carry on about any topic with ease. She even mentioned how she had been around adults most of her life and felt comfortable around older people. She also seemed open-minded about a good number of things.

Lady Adalyn, on the other hand, was incredibly opinionated. About everything. Everett thought her a bit overwhelming. She was vivacious and constantly changing the subject. A man would have to be on his toes to keep pace with her.

He wondered what she would be like in bed.

Again, heat seemed to ripple through him. He had no idea why she caused him to think such wayward thoughts. Perhaps it was her plump lips. They seemed to beg to be kissed.

He shook off the thought. Lady Adalyn was a whirlwind. Miss Goulding was more to his taste though he felt no physical attraction to her. It didn’t matter. In the end, he would couple with his wife—whether it be Miss Goulding or someone else—and they would produce the agreed upon number of children. He hoped for four but would settle for two or three. He would have to ask Spence about how to negotiate that kind of thing with a wife.

Looking to his friend, though, he saw that would be pointless. Spence was besotted with Tessa. They probably made love once a day and would gladly accept however many children resulted from their couplings. There would be none of the going their separate ways, as he planned to do with his wife. That was the way of Polite Society. He knew that from his own parents. He had never seen an affectionate gesture or heard either speak a kind word to the other. At least he would be civil to his wife and see that she had everything she needed once they parted for good.

He felt eyes upon him and met Lady Adalyn’s gaze.

“You are awfully quiet, Your Grace,” she pointed out.

“It is my nature,” he admitted. “You should meet my friend Owen. We grew up on neighboring estates. Owen talked enough for the both of us.”

“Owen brought both Ev and me out of our shells,” Spence shared with the ladies. “I am merely reserved. Ev can be downright bashful.”

“Unless on a battlefield,” Lady Adalyn said. “I can’t see you being shy around your men or the enemy.”