They started off again and Spencer said, “You are seriously going to take home someone from the streets. Someone who brandished a knife at you. Someone who intended to take from you.”
This time, the woman abandoned her new charge and stormed back to Spencer.
“Yes, I am, my lord. What business is it of yours? I have the coin to pay Abra. The position is open. I believe we will suit one another.”
With that, she spun and returned to the dirty street child and slipped her arm through the girl’s. They stepped away briskly.
Spencer followed at a distance, still not quite trusting young Abra and wanting to make certain the lady at least arrived without Abra slitting her throat.
When they reached the Earl of Umbridge’s townhouse, he heard the street urchin ask her savior’s name.
“I am Lady Tessa Foster. The earl is my uncle. He is quite kind. You will like him.”
They disappeared inside the residence as he watched, the door closing.
Spencer wondered if Lady Tessa Foster was married. The thought shocked him. He had thought he wanted a pliant, complacent countess. One who would quietly do his bidding and see to his household.
Instead, he decided he needed his own Boudica, a woman of beauty and valor, who would stand up for herself and those she cherished.
He decided it was time to issue his own dinner invitation. To the earl and all members of his family.
And that it include the very interesting Lady Tessa Foster.