Chapter Nineteen
Tessa slept laterthan she normally did, missing her daily early morning walk and breakfast with her uncle. Because of that, she rang for Abra and asked her maid to bring breakfast to the bedchamber instead. Although she would miss taking the morning meal with her uncle, with the Season now beginning, it might make more sense for her to eat alone in the future. She did not want the staff to go to extra trouble and thought she would speak to Cook about providing a tray as was done for Adalyn and her mother, at least on the mornings after a ball. She still hoped to get up and walk for a bit of exercise and to clear her head on the mornings after events that did not last until the wee hours of the morning, such as tonight’s musicale.
Abra returned with the tray and set it across Tessa’s lap. She had remained in bed, a luxury she normally did not partake in. Usually when she awoke each day, she rose and met the day head on. The Season was already changing her daily habits with its late nights. For a moment, she longed for the quiet of the country.
Abra kept Tessa company as she ate, asking her all about last night’s ball. Tessa told the servant about the many gorgeous gowns and jewels she had seen, as well as describing the lavish buffet and some of the items she had eaten.
“It all sounds amazing, my lady,” Abra commented. “But what of the gentlemen there? Did you dance much?”
“I did. Thanks to Adalyn and Louisa, to some extent, my cousins made certain that my dance card was filled.” She paused and then smiled as she added, “I even danced the waltz.”
“The waltz?” Abra asked. “I have heard it to be a most unusual dance. What’s it like? Why is it so different?”
Tessa thought back to being in Spencer’s strong arms.
“I was used to dancing country dances at assemblies I attended before my parents fell ill,” Tessa explained. “Have you ever danced, Abra?”
“No, my lady. Sometimes, someone who had had a bit too much to drink at the pub would stand and try to dance some kind of jig but I have never seen or danced myself.”
Tessa explained the configuration of the quadrille and some other dances. How you had a partner but moved around the room, engaging with many others during the dance.
“The waltz is like none of these,” she said. “Here, I will demonstrate.”
Tessa removed the tray from her lap and set it aside. She tossed back the bedclothes and stood, motioning for Abra to come nearer.
“Hold your hand as thus,” she said, making Abra the female and Tessa the male who would lead.
She clasped Abra’s hand and placed her hand on the maid’s back, telling the servant to put her free hand on Tessa’s shoulder.
“Oh, my! Abra proclaimed. “We certainly are close.”
“The steps go as thus,” Tessa explained and began showing the maid, walking Abra through them.
After a few minutes, Abra understood the basics of the waltz and Tessa began to hum a tune. The pair danced about the bedchamber until giggles overtook Abra and she stepped away from Tessa, laughing.
“My, that is something else, my lady,” the maid declared. “How often do they dance this number?” she asked.
“Louisa told me it is played once or twice during an evening at atonball,” Tessa shared. “Last night, it was the dance known as the supper dance. Whoever your partner is for it, you dance the number with him and then he leads you into supper. It also was the final dance of the evening.”
Abra pressed. “So, who did you dance these two waltzes with? And how did they make you feel?”
“The supper dance was with Lord Middlefield, while the last dance my partner was Lord Wethersby.”
Abra’s eyes widened. “So, you knew your two dance partners at least. It might have been awkward having only met a gentleman for the first time.”
Tessa had thought the same thing. And while she had enjoyed dancing with Lord Wethersby, when she looked back on the evening of her first ball, her memories would always be of Spencer and their waltz.
“I should dress for the day,” she said briskly, setting aside ideas of the man she wanted and yet was still reluctant to allow as her suitor. “Choose a day dress for me if you would. A flattering one because I am to receive many callers this afternoon.”
Abra’s eyes lit with interest. “Might Lord Middlefield be one of these callers?” she inquired. “You did not answer my previous question, my lady. How was your dance with Lord Middlefield?”
“It was marvelous,” she admitted. “Lord Middlefield is light on his feet and moved me about the ballroom floor with ease. I felt lighter than air. As if he and I danced upon a cloud.”
Her maid gave her a knowing look. “It sounds as if you might be giving Lord Middlefield consideration after all.”
Tessa nodded. “Perhaps I judged him a bit too hastily,” she admitted, wavering. “I have determined to reconsider my previous position on his suit.” Her words startled her because she hadn’t known she had decided to until she spoke them aloud.
Abra clapped in delight. “I am very happy to hear that, my lady. If anyone should have cause to dislike the earl, you know it would be me. I don’t, though—and I don’t think you should either.”