The girl said, “It flattens ’em when I do this. Easier to pass as a boy. I also lower my voice. Like this,” she said gruffly, a good octave lower than her normal speaking voice. “I do think you should give him a chance. He risked himself to help you. I’d say that was brave and thoughtful, my lady. And he was certainly nice to look at.”
Tessa laughed. “At least we can agree upon that. He did possess spectacular good looks.”
“And impressive muscles,” the girl added, stripping off her worn half-boots and baggy trousers.
She added the items to the pile and felt the hardness of the blade. Removing it from the trouser pocket, she said, “I will place your knife on the bureau. You may keep it in your room. I prefer you keep it there instead of wearing it. After all, you won’t be living on the streets anymore.”
“What if we go out? Do I go with you?” Abra asked as she stepped into the tub and gingerly sank into the hot water, sighing.
“Yes, you will accompany me if I wish to walk. Or if I go for a dress fitting. You will also act as my chaperone if I go somewhere.”
“Well, I’ll bring my knife if you insist on walking early in the mornings. There aren’t many crooks about that time of morning. They’ve done their business for the night. But you never know. I’d rather be safe than sorry and carry it all the same.”
“Then your weapon may come on our walks. I hope you don’t mind being up so early.”
“Not a bit,” Abra proclaimed, sinking completely under the water so that her hair got wet. She popped back up. “This is heavenly.”
Tessa went to her dressing table and pick up a vial. Returning to the tub, she poured some of the liquid in.
“Stir this around,” she instructed. “It’s lavender oil.”
The door flew open and Adalyn charged in, followed by Bridget and Mrs. Rainey.
“What on earth is going on?” her cousin questioned, marching straight to the tub.
Abra wrapped her arms about herself protectively. “Nothing, my lady.”
Adalyn turned to Tessa. “This is your new lady’s maid? Mrs. Rainey said you had hired one off the streets.”
“I have,” Tessa said, standing up to her cousin. “Abra is young and will be a fast learner. Between Bridget and me, she will learn her duties in no time.”
Adalyn sniffed. “You may tell her your preferences, Tessa, but let Bridget teach the girl to learn what she needs to know. What’s your name?” she demanded, her gaze falling to the tub.
“Abra. What’s yours?” the girl countered.
Adalyn put fisted hands on her hips. “That is rather insolent.”
Abra’s chin rose. “I don’t know what that means, my lady, but I do know it’s a bit rude to burst in when someone is bathing.”
Suddenly, Adalyn burst out laughing. “You are right, Abra. Forgive me. I am merely protective of my cousin.”
“So am I,” Abra said, her eyes burning bright.
Adalyn smiled. “I can see that. Forgive me. I think you will suit Lady Tessa quite well.” She turned. “Bridget, you will teach Abra everything she needs to know, starting with how to bathe a lady. You can demonstrate on Abra.”
“Yes, my lady,” Bridget said.
“You’ll only have to tell me something once,” Abra told the lady’s maid. “I have a good memory.”
“Be glad you’re starting in this position,” Bridget said. “The life of a scullery maid or a house or parlor maid is far harder. I’m not saying you and I won’t work hard—we will—but our tasks are more pleasant and we are considered upper servants.”
Bridget knelt next tub and looked at Adalyn. “I have things in hand, my lady.”
“Very well. I am going back to bed and will breakfast there.” She sauntered from the room.
Mrs. Rainey said, “I brought the two uniforms for you. I’ll place them on the chair. If they need a nip or tuck here or there, Bridget can help you alter them. That will be another good lesson you can learn.”
“Thank you, Mrs. Rainey,” Abra said.