“What do you mean exactly?”

“Having a second person in the room, or at least aware of the situation. Someone else on the team, to ensure there’s another party present to measure any differences you might not see because you’re so close to this situation.”

Someone like Damon.

“I’m keeping a professional distance.”

“Of course,” says Harrison. “Of course.”

“If I were to go through with this …”

“It would be wise for someone to be aware, in case you are blinded.”

“So long as someone else is watching her?” I leave the question half spoken, knowing full well she has a team taking every precaution to monitor her from her sleeping hours to her weekly weigh-in.

“So long as she is in the right mind to consent … and so long as you maintain your professional distance. You are aware that these relationships can be helpful, but you know they can also bring dependency and other emotions. You must be prepared for that, if that case arises.”