Well, at least I won’t have to work through my feelings for Anton; that’s somewhat of a relief.

My stomach lurches as I feel myself being lifted, hands gripping hard to my arms.

I open my eyes, expecting to see Anton. In fact, I can already hear myself forming my snide comment to him despite him saving my life.

My heart wars between disappointment and relief when I instead find my girls.

“What thefuck, Percy?” Sammi shouts, fear etched across her face.

“Are you trying to get yourself killed?” Becky demands, the first vestiges of her disapproving mom face making an appearance.

Mysti just stares at me, her eyes wide and stunned.

“Nottrying,” I say. “Just maybe not entirely opposed to the idea.”

I laugh at the disbelief that pulls at their faces.

“Oh, calm down. I was just frozen, is all. I wasn’t expecting a gaggle of bikes to come flying at me.”

“A gaggle is geese,” Mysti offers, her eyes still stretched wide.

“Yes, I know.”

I look pointedly at their hands still clutching me in their panic.

With apologetic looks, they loosen their grips. My arms ache from the intensity of their hold.

I inspect my dress, brushing dirt and God knows what else from the now soiled material.

“What happened?” Becky asks, looking in the direction where Anton’s car disappeared.

“Oh, you know, not much. I just remembered who I married, is all.”

“Oh shit! You did? Who?!” Becky asks excitedly.

I roll my eyes.


Their faces display varying stages of shock, eyes all locked tightly on me.

“Oh my god,” Mysti chokes out.

“Well, that explains a lot,” Sammi offers.

“Does it?” I ask, only a little sarcastically. “Because honestly, I think I just havemorequestions now. Like—what the fuck was I thinking? And how did I allow this to happen?”

“I don’t know, Percy,” Sammi says, shaking her head.

“Well, I think it’s sweet,” Becky offers.

I stare daggers at her.

“Sweet? How so?”

“Well, you guysobviouslycare about each other. Maybe drunk you just knew a little better than sober you.”

I have no words.