“Well, shit. We have to fix this.”

“Fix what?”

“The marriage, Anton! I can’t be married. I already told you that!”

His face pulls into a scowl, anger flashing hotly in his eyes.

“Are you kidding me? You said you remembered! Don’t you remember how it felt, Percy? We love each other. We’re supposed to be married.”

I roll my eyes, sighing in frustration.

“No, Anton. I was drunk. I don’t love you, and we sure as fuck shouldn’t be married.”

The spark of anger I saw in his eyes before pales in comparison to the fury now burning there.


He slams a fist down on the seat beside him, the impact echoing around the car like a gunshot.

“I refuse to believe this crap, Percy. I wasthere! I witnessed your vows, and I heard you tell me you love me.” He leans in closer. “I watched you come on your fucking veil while you screamedmy name. Who the fuck do you think you’re kidding?”

A voice in the back of my head seems to have very strong opinions as to just who I’m kidding. I ignore the bitch, doubling down on my original claims.

I slam my own fist down, feeling disappointed at the muted noise it creates.

“I’m not kidding anyone, Anton. This is just who I am. I’m sorry that you’re so bothered by that, but you’ll get over it eventually.”

He growls in response, throwing his hands up in exasperation.

“You’re impossible!”

“Exactly!” I scream, mimicking his hand movements. “Which is why I can’t be someone’s wife. Are you getting it now?”

He throws his head back, his body losing some of the tension so obviously coiled within.

When he speaks again, his voice is calm, measured.

“What I get, Percy, is that you’re afraid—”

My cackle interrupts his thought.

Still, he presses on. “And that’s okay. Percy, we can work through this. Commitment doesn’t have to be some terrifying thing. It’s you and me, for Christ’s sake. We can make this work.”

My heart aches at his sincerity.

Right now, I want nothing more than for him to pick up screaming again. Screaming, I can handle.

“Look, Anton,” I say, trying my best to match his calm. “I’m sorry, okay? Really, I am. But you’ve got the wrong girl. I’m not afraid. I’m just—not interested.”


I quiet him with a raised hand, frankly surprised that it does the trick.

“I know myself, Anton. This would never work. Let’s just save ourselves a lot of trouble and end it now, okay?”

His eyes once again flicker to life.

“No,” he growls.