
Saturday 1:16 Am

“Oh god, Anton!” Percy screams, jamming herself harder against me as she comes all over my thick, throbbing cock.

Her tits bounce wildly with her rhythm, her fingernails digging deep grooves into my chest. I wouldn’t be surprised if it looked like I got mauled by a cat when we’re done.

“That’s right, come for me. Come all over me, Percy!”

This may be one of the only instances in which Percy will actually blindly obey. I can force her to with some work, but even her stubborn pride won’t get in the way of an orgasm.

“Fuck!” she screams one last time, her pussy so tight around me I’m afraid I’ll burst.

Her body shakes with the intensity, muscles growing taut, head flying back in sheer pleasure.

The sight alone makes me wanna lose it myself. I have to take a couple of deep breaths to cool myself down from the heat of the moment.

Something about Percy coming all over her wedding veil, and the way my ring fits snugly around her finger, drives me absolutely insane.

I don’t think I’ve ever seen anything quite so sexy.

Her body begins to relax, her movements slowing. She grinds herself leisurely against me, eking out the last vestiges of her orgasm.

Persephone fucking Lanteri. God, that shit has such a great ring to it.

I reach up to touch her, my fingers running into her golden hair. I grip hard as her body stills, pulling her down into another passionate kiss.

She smiles as our lips part, her eyes tracing down to the soaked bottom half of my shirt.

“Your turn,husband.”

The sound of the word rolling off her lips makes my cock throb even harder. I groan as she lifts herself, her pussy sliding off with exaggerated slowness.

Sex with Percy is so fucking over the top. She makes every move matter, and she knows exactly how to get to me with her wild but sensual tone.

“Bend over,” I order.

She raises an eyebrow at the command. Like I said, she’s not one to take orders.

“Is that what a good little wife would do?” she asks in a meek voice. I know she’s being a smart ass right now, but the whole Betty Boop thing’s really doing it for me.

“You bet that ass it is,” I say, giving it a playful smack.

She moans and sinks her teeth into her bottom lip as she turns, lowering herself to her hands and knees.

“Like this?” she asks, still in character, now wagging her ass in my face and taunting me.

Her voice is dripping with sarcasm, but I choose to ignore it, my throbbing cock overruling every other consideration.

Percy is the most beautiful woman I’ve ever seen. I’ve thought it the moment we met, and I’m even more convinced of it now.

From every angle, in every situation, she’s absolutely radiant. Even taking that into consideration, though, there’s something really exceptional about my view right now.

With her bent over in front of me, soaked pussy on display and ass that you just wanna take a bite out of, I can hardly breathe.

I discount her faux submission—knowing full well I’m going to rock her fucking world, submitted or not—and rise to my knees behind her.