“Pull over!” she yells, this time directing her anger at Paul, who’s done nothing wrong this entire time. I know he’s conflicted. Percy is terrifying when she’s pissed to most people.

But he continues to stare ahead, as unblinking as Percy was a moment before.

“I swear to God,” she yells. “If you don’t pull this car over, I’m gonna take that stupid hat off your head and ram it down your throat.”

Now, Paul’s a pretty unshakable guy; it’s one of the reasons we get along so well. However, at Percy’s threat, even he cringes a bit.

I don’t really blame him.

Most men don’t know how to handle Persephone Owens’ rage like I do.

I grab her face with both hands, turning her to face me.

“Wife, Percy,” I demand as she claws at my fingers, “You’re not making any sense. Who do youthinkmy wife is?”

Her nails bite into my hand a second more. Just as I’m about to release her, I feel them fall away.

She sits very still, eyes taking on a far away look.

“Percy?” I ask.

“Oh no,” she gasps.

“Percy, what’s wrong?”

I watch her eyes roam around the interior of the limo, taking it all in.

“You son of a bitch,” she says distantly. “I remember…”

And then, it begins.