Not a minute later, she flies out the front door, Dutch words spilling from her lips in a rush.

“Dank je! Dank je!” she cries, rushing towards us like a freight train.

She reaches Mysti in no time, dropping to the ground to embrace the bear child. I mean, Finn.

“Oh, thank you! You’ve brought him back!”

“Are you his mother?” Mysti asks.

The woman squeezes him tightly.

“Yes, thank you so much for returning him to me! Where did you find him?”

Raiding our refrigerator somehow doesn’t seem like a great explanation at this point. In fact, I’m willing to bet that’s going to lead to a lot of unanswerable questions.

“Near our hotel.” I chime in, drawing her eyes to me and cutting off Mysti before she can say too much.

For a minute she looks like she might ask more questions, but thankfully thinks better of it.

“Well, I’m in your debt,” she says, standing to shake each of our hands in turn. “How can I repay you?”

“Oh, that’s really not necessary,” Sammi pipes in. “We’re just glad he’s home.”

“You’re sure?”


She nods, tears slipping from her eyes. Her heavy makeup runs down her face in streams of black.

She takes the time to once again shake our hands before turning back to the brothel, Finn’s hand tightly clutched in her own.

“Awww! I’m gonna miss that little guy!” Becky says as they disappear inside. She’s looking a little tearful herself.

All I can do is laugh. Pregnancy is really doing a number on her.

“Well I’m just glad we found her,” I say, glancing around the street. “I still have no idea why we were here though.”

The girls all nod, looking around in question.

“Well, we’ve got to start somewhere,” Sammi says, gesturing down the street.

As one we start to walk, anxiously looking about for anything familiar.

Frankly, given our surroundings, it’s a little hard to focus.

I’m starting to think I might have missed my calling. Watching the girls work their stuff in the windows, I have a feeling I might have done well in their line of work.

A larger group of men is clustered around one window in particular, a busty blonde in see-through lingerie demanding their attention.

I watch, intrigued, as she leans forward, cleavage spilling from her bra.

She’s got great tits, I’ll give her that, but I really think I could put on a better show.

Shit, if it were me, I’d drag someone in there with me, show ‘em what they’re paying for. Oh, I can just picture it now.

I start chuckling under my breath, actually getting pretty turned on by the idea.

Suddenly my legs slow in mid-stride, head whipping back towards the girls.