I growl—in a way that only Percy has ever been able to make me do—and then it happens.

I release and explode down the back of Percy’s throat.

And—like she always does—she doesn’t relent when she feels my cum fill her mouth.

She sucks harder as she swallows every drop that she takes from me.

I can’t make heads nor tails which way is up or down anymore.

Every muscle and fiber of my body feels as though it’s on fire.

I’m so engrossed by Percy’s lips and tongue milking away at my cock that I don’t even notice the sound of people yelling and calling out.

The sound of someone yelling at Percy rises over the thumping beat of the music and the pounding beat of my own heart.

I turn to the side and my eyes go wide in surprise.

Inches from my face is the nose of a brown steed.

Slowly I look up to see Sammi with Mysti May atop its back. Beside them, Becky is on another as she yells at Percy.

“Percy! Get up and get on. We have to go,” Becky exclaims.

“What? Why?” Percy asks as she licks the last of my cum from her lips.

“Well, in case you didn’t notice, we stole some horses. And a basket of fancy bracelets,” Mysti answers.

I can’t help but stare dumbfounded at the scene before me. I know that Percy and her girls tend to get into crazy and wild antics, but seeing it first hand—especially in this mind-numbing state that I’m in—is something else.

I feel Percy kiss the bottom of my jaw and watch as she hops onto the horse behind Becky.

“See you around hot stuff. Thanks for the bracelets,” Percy calls out. “Hi-ho, Silver, bitches.”

Fuck, I love this woman.