“Okay, great! Where?” I ask.

“Okay, so I kind of remember seeing a lot of people with this symbol on their hand around us. We were at some kind of bar or club,” Sammi divulges.

“Perfect! So we just need to find out where,” I say. I look around the coffee shop, spot our waitress and hail her.

“Can I get you all something else?” she asks kindly.

“Oh, no, we’re fine. I was just curious. Do you know where this stamp is from?” I ask, raising my hand so she can look at it, putting the marking into full view.

“Of course! It’s Ménage à Fête. We aren’t terribly far. I can write down the directions on foot for you if you’d like to go check it out.”

“That would be so helpful! Thank you!” I exclaim.

“No problem, ma’am. Give me a moment, and I’ll give you what you need so you can be on your way,” she responds.

Thank God. We need some kind of answer for what we’re dealing with right now.

“Hey! Stop that!” Mysti shouts, chastising the toddler for tugging at her bracelets.


As the child wails in discontent, I look down at my wrist to see the same colorful jelly band bracelets stacked on it. Becky and Sammi are wearing them too.

I bet they came from the same place.

“Hey, baby. It’s okay! Don’t cry! Here, do you want the bracelet? You can just have it,” I hear Mysti say, trying to get the kid to stop screeching.

Today serves as a perfect reminder as to why I didn’t want to settle down in the first place. I’m not the kind of woman that can just be someone’s wife and eventually someone’s mom.

The very thought shakes me to my core. I’m out for myself and myself alone. I don’t need a man, I don’t even need a pet. I’ve done just fine my entire life without.

Mysti finally gets the toddler to stop hollering, instead the kid is now taking sips of water on her lap.

Becky is gazing at her, probably jealous of how well Mysti is handling everything. Being pregnant, I bet she’s terrified of making mistakes as a parent. It stresses her out about eighty six percent of the time.

Speaking of pregnant.

“Hey. guys! Why the fuck are there loads of positive pregnancy tests in the hotel room?” I ask.

I’m a little worried about the answer. One of us is already knocked up, and I’m already weirded out by that.

“I don’t know! I was wondering the same thing!” Sammi says.

“Yeah, I’ve got no real clue,” Becky says.

“Well, of course you don’t. We all know you’re pregnant,” I say.

Which leaves Mysti. We all stare hard at her as she pats the head of this small kid. She notices that we’re waiting for her answer.

“Me?! Pregnant?” she shouts. “Do you know how much of a train-wreck I’d be right now if I am?”

“Well, they’re someone’s!” I reply.

“Okay, so why don’t we all take one and find out?” Mysti snaps back.

“Not right now. There’s some really important shit I need to know before I even think about getting into all that.” I answer.

“Here you go!” the waitress says, approaching the table with a folded piece of paper. “This should get you there just fine. It’s only a few blocks, maybe thirty minutes or so.”

“Okay, great! Thank you so much!” I say. “Alright, everyone. Let’s go.”

We all stand from the table. I leave cash to pay for our drinks, and we make our way to Ménage à Fête.