
Friday 7:39 Pm

The world is spinning, turning me wildly around even as my ass stays firmly planted on my seat. I put my hand up, staring at it in wonder as I wave it slowly back and forth.

Well, isn’t this some shit?

I spot a drop of icing, shimmering brightly at me from its place on my thumb.

Reverently, I lean forward, licking the sweet topping from my finger with a flourish.

“Hands down the best scone I’ve ever eaten.”

I would have never thought that an absinthe-infused frosting would be so fucking delicious, but I stand corrected.

Something like this would never be offered anywhere in the States.I’m enjoying every moment of my culturally immersive trip. Coming here was a great idea, even if marrying my Silver Fox, Anton, didn’t pan out.

The man at my side nods, trails of light following the movement.

“Pretty good,” he answers, his voice echoing to me despite the lack of acoustics.

I turn my head, the room seeming to turn with me. Gorgeous trails light up my vision, pulling the room like taffy in front of me. I turn my head back, giggling at the odd toned rainbow that the motion creates.


“Another for you?” I hear Sammi chime.

I turn towards the sound of her voice, laughing when I spot her blurry outline behind the bar. An apron sits snugly around her, the coffee shop’s logo stitched across the front.

“Sure, thanks,” a man answers, smiling politely as she turns to fetch his drink.

My body vibrates, warm energy seeming to rush through me.

I glance back at the mystery man to my side, licking my lips at the sight of him. Sure, he’s little more than a blur at this point, but it might just be the sexiest blur I’ve ever seen.

Who am I to pass up something like that?

I lean towards him, my tits smooshing against the table as I press my lips to his. The energy still coursing through me seems to pool in my mouth, exploding when his tongue slides against my own.

So obviously, I’m fucking sloshed. In fact, I’m just about totally gone at this point.

Trust me though when I say this might be the best kiss of my life.

The blurring edges of my vision swirl inward, focusing thickly across his face like a fucking directional sign.

Yeah, don’t mind if I do.

I stand up quickly, swaying slightly as the room lurches up around me.

I lay one hand on the table, waiting for things to settle.

“Are you okay?” blurry hot guy asks, his voice sounding far away.

“I’m fuckingawesome!” I respond.

Even my own voice sounds weird at this point, like I’m hearing it from the other side of a tunnel.