
Saturday 11:14 Am

My head is fucking pounding. I rest my forehead against my hands, my elbows propped on the granite table.

The strong aroma permeates the air.God, I can’t wait until I have a cup of coffee in front of me.The scent alone is fueling my craving enough that it’s distracting me from my thoughts.

“Ugh,” Mysti groans. I look over at her.

The toddler on her lap has decided to start tugging on her hair and is just laughing every time Mysti reacts. I’m glad I’m not her right now.

“Ouch! Fuck!” she shouts.

“Fuck,” the kid immediately repeats.

“Kids say the craziest shit,” I pipe up.

“Shit,” it says, like a little fucking parrot.

“My bad,” I apologize to Mysti, who’s giving me a death glare like what this kid’s real mom would be doing right now if she was here witnessing this nonsense.

Just as I’m about to get chastised over a toddler I just met this morning, our waitress approaches our table, carrying a tray with mugs full of piping hot coffee.

About time.

“Well, hello again, ladies! Here we are!” she announces, distributing the coffee. “Is there anything else I can get you?”

Sammi and I exchange hopeful glances.

“Were we here last night?” I ask.

She looks at me like I’ve grown a second head.

“Yes…Don’t you remember?”

Another waitress walks past carrying a tray full of scones. The sight alone is enough to make my stomach lurch.

I just can’t handle shit like that anymore. Not having carbs for the past few months really changed my entire palate. I don’t even want sugar or cream for my coffee.

“Fuck, those smell good,” Becky says, licking her lips.

“Fuck!” the toddler exclaims again.

Mysti smacks her forehead and rolls her eyes in Becky’s direction.

“Sorry!” Becky quickly says.

“You served us last night? Like, yesterday?” I say, addressing our waitress.

“Yeah, you were all here. And you stayed for hours before wandering off. You were having a really great trip!”

“I guess it’s pretty obvious we’re tourists, huh?” I comment.

Again, she shoots me a strange look.

“Well, of course. That’s pretty clear. Most of the locals don’t actually partake in the heavy stuff unless they’ve got nowhere to be for a while. But all the tourists, they just can’t seem to get enough,” she explains.