“On the TV.”

She points. I look over, my eyes quickly finding the muted screen.

Sure enough, there’s my guy.Theguy anyway.

“Turn it up.” Becky says.

Sammi crosses quickly, not even bothering to look for the remote.

“That’s right,” a female reporter chimes in a high-pitched voice, “you heard it here first. Prince Lanteri was looking pretty cozy with a mystery woman last night.”

The screen shifts to display a slightly blurred photo of Silver Fox, his arm wrapped firmly around a black haired woman, his body shielding most of her from view.

“Yes,” a man chimes in. “Clearly not his fiancé.”

The woman reappears a moment later.

“Accounts from last night are still trickling in, but we do have one new juicy morsel for you. It would appear that the woman in question was actuallywearingthe royal family ring.”

Cue fake surprise from the male co-host.

“Gosh, Terry,” he says, totally over-acting. “Thatis juicy.”

I cross quickly to the TV, hitting the power button only a smidge too hard. All three girls look questioningly at me, clearly unsure of how to react. I can empathize, really not sure how to react myself.

“So that rules him out,” I say, glancing down at the ring on my finger.

“Is that good or bad?” Mysti asks.

“Neither,” I say with a shrug. “I don’t want to be married to anyone. It doesn’t really matter to me who he replaced me with, right?”

Three heads bob in agreement, though I see questions in their eyes.

“It’s fine,” I say. “Good for him.”

“It’s okay if you’re upset,” Becky comments. She leans into me, her big baby belly pressed into my forearm as she gives me a comforting hug.

“I’m really not.”

It’s the truth. I don’t know what I am.

Mysti crosses to me, looking like she’s about to comfort me too. I open my mouth to tell her exactly how little I need to be comforted.

“Mysti really—”

A crash breaks through my words, my mouth slamming shut on the protest.

“What the fuck?!”

Oh, great. It’s the fucking face sucker. It’s got to be.

“What was that?” Sammi asks, looking around quickly.

“Sounds like it came from the kitchen.” Mysti answers, already heading that way.

We follow immediately behind, preparing ourselves for anything.

I’m still half expecting an attack when we reach the kitchen. What I’m not expecting, is to see a baby bear raiding the fucking refrigerator.