“Right. Of course sir.”

I can tell by his tone that he’s utterly unconvinced. I couldn’t care less.

“Is there anything else, Scott?” I ask, no longer trying to hide my impatience.

“Well…no, not at this moment.”

“Great, thanks for the heads up. Call if you hear anything important.”

I end the conversation with a swipe of my finger. At this particular moment, I have no desire to explain theevents of last night to anyone that wasn’t right there, immersed in it all with me. Though even if I were, Scott would be the last person I’d call.

Having the tendency toward overreaction, that one.

“Any stops?” Paul asks, again glancing at me in the rear view mirror.

“None, thank you. Just to the hotel, please.”

He nods once, his charmingly outdated chauffer cap bobbing as he does.

“Right away boss.”

I lean back into the soft interior, my head resting for the first time in a long time.

I stare out the window, the sights of Amsterdam passing unseen before me, my mind instead focused on the last twenty-four hours. I replay last night’s events on repeat, images of Percy flashing through my head.

After a while, I give up the illusion, closing my eyes to better recall.

A smile cements itself onto my face as my memory brings me to Percy leaning into my ear saying ‘I do.’

Fucking Percy.