Saturday 10:20AM
Awoman who must be in her 90s heads toward me, her head down turned in thought, face deeply etched with wrinkles. She glances up as she comes near, lips already pulling into the kind of faux smile we all give strangers when we cross paths.
Her eyes boredly begin to slide back towards the ground, only to jerk up the next instant. Her small, shrunken mouth pulls into a genuine grin, eyes lighting like kindling.
“Yes, hello,” I say, waving slightly with the hand not currently cradling my cock. “Nice day, isn’t it?”
Her eyes, suddenly full of youth long gone, trace the length of my body. If I weren’t used to these kind of looks, I might actually feel embarrassed. As it is, I simply nod and continue on my way, feet never slowing.
She calls after me in Dutch, and something about her smile tells me I’d rather not know what she said.
“You too, ma’am!”
I keep on walking, trying my best to hide my dick with just one hand.
As I walk further towards the main street, the foot traffic increases tenfold. Every eye in the vicinity seems to lock onto me.
I increase my pace, smiling politely like a fool.
Across the road, a middle-aged woman leans out of her window, whistling loudly in my general direction. Her eyes lock firmly onto my occupied hand, like she’s wishing for x-ray vision.
“Hello,” I say in a casual tone that I don’t really feel. “Happen to know any clothing store near here?”
She laughs. “Afraid I don’t, mister. But if you come in, I might give you a blanket.”
Her words are punctuated by a flirty wink. I try to imagine what I’d have to do for that blanket, quickly deciding against it. Definitely not worth it.
“Thanks, anyway,” I say, continuing to walk.
The sound of giggling reaches me, accompanied by the occasional gasp of surprise. I try my best to tune it all out, eyes fixed ahead, polite smile cemented to my face.
There’s only one woman in the world that could get me to walk naked through Amsterdam first thing in the morning.
Fucking Percy.
I can’t help but smile. Thank God I found her. And thank God she wised up. I knew she wouldn’t stay away. We love each other too much to let it go to waste.
I’m glad we did things our way. Tying the knot under the radar, just having our own little intimate moment in my car, and then sleeping next to my beautiful woman; it’s exactly what she wanted.
I almost feel weird for being the one who wanted the ceremony. But really, when someone of my status settles down, it becomes a big public affair. So why not use the opportunity to celebrate?
Every time I get anywhere near woman, Percy, absolute insanity follows. It’s always been that way, and I think because of it, she’s kept me on my toes. A wiser man would probably have run for the hills a long time ago.
Luckily for me, I’m not that wise. But I can say I sure have learned how to live.
A black car comes roaring into sight, right on time. My smile turns genuine as it squeals to a stop before me. I throw the door open and make a quick dive to safety, laughing, amused at my own ridiculous situation.
“Paul,” I say. “To the rescue.”
“Of course, sir.” Paul responds, grinning at me in the rear view mirror.
“Not a word.”
“Of course, sir.”