Page 106 of The Proposal Problem

The ancient prostitute—maybe the first ever, given how old she is—takes my hand as I near.

“Your aura is awash with uncertainty and doubt.”

She turns my palm upward. Slowly, she begins to trace her finger along the lines.

This would be super cool and badass if the woman in front of me wasn’t butt naked.

“Are you one of those fortune-telling hookers?”

The old woman shrugs and nods.

“It’s a part-time gig,” she answers.

“The prostitution or the fortune telling?”


I look down at her finger moving along my palm.

There’s something soothing and calming about it.

“What do you see?”

“You’re life has been turned upside down. Everything you believed you knew about yourself and what you wanted has been challenged. And your mind is plagued with doubt because of it. You don’t know whether to face the challenge ahead boldly or to reject it and run.”

Damn. She’s good.

“You can tell all of that from my palm?”

“Not just your palm, but your aura as well.”

“How?” I ask in awe.

“If you know what to look for, you can see where a person has been, where they are, and even where they’re going.”

“What else can you see?”

This woman has me sucked in and hanging on every word and movement she makes.

She could easily turn this into a show in Vegas. I can see the marquee now:World’s Oldest Palm-Reading Hooker! Naked and Live!

I’d pay to see that. I mean, you know, if I wasn’t seeing it right now.

“All this doubt and uncertainty comes from your greatest fear. Love. You’ve fallen in love with a man, a great man, and it scares you.”

“So what do I do?”

“Sadly, I can’t tell you what your future holds. There is just too much doubt to see with clarity.”

Well, fuck. That doesn’t help me at all.

“Can I offer you a bit of advice, dear? I’ve been around the block a hundred times after all,” the wrinkled woman says with a smile.

“Couldn’t hurt,” I answer with a shrug.

“The greatest things in life aren’t easy. They’re meant to challenge us. They’re meant to push us. And when it comes to love, well, there’s no greater challenge than love. Have you ever heard of Rumi?”

“What the fuck is Rumi? Is that a workout program?”