My emotions are overpowering me with such a force of will. My mind goes gloriously blank, pleasure occupying the space where thought used to live. I close my eyes, throwing my head back in pure ecstasy.

My passion and my pleasure are in overdrive.

As my cunt throbs and my breathing steadies, I open my eyes, moaning loudly at Anton’s downturned face. He watches me raptly, a smile pulling at his lips.

Our eyes lock as I come, screaming out and drenching the floor of the torture museum.

As the orgasm ebbs, I stand up and lean into Anton, offering him the fingers that have just been on my pussy. He happily accepts them, licking them from base to tip.

Before today, I would never have thought to turn the historical torture museum of Amsterdam into our own little sex dungeon, but I’m not complaining that that’s what’s happened.

As I lower my digits, I kiss him, his spit and my own cum mixing in my mouth. As I lower my face to his chest, he pulls me hard against him.

I think we’ve hit our apex.

Nothing can possibly top this tonight.