
Saturday: 4:22 Pm

Mysti May says a few words to Percy that I can’t make out from where I’m standing.

I can assume from Percy’s reaction that it’s something in my favor.

Percy herself may want to run from this—even going as far as jumping from my fucking car—but her girls want to see her stand her ground.

They may be her friends—her sisters even—but it’s my side that they’re on in this whole situation. They know that I make Percy happy and that I love her immensely.

It helps that Mysti May herself is a real stickler for happy endings.

Maybe I’ll set her up with one of my friends as a thank you. I have plenty of wealthy friends and colleagues that would be right up Mysti’s alley.

I just need to settle this situation with Percy and myself first.

Mysti is practically pulling Percy up to me.

“Alright, Anton. She’s all yours,” Mysti says, a bit flustered.

Percy can put up quite the fight when she wants to.

“Thank you, Mysti. Say hi to everyone for me,” I reply gratefully.

“You, work this shit out. Pronto,” Mysti orders, points her finger at Percy.

Percy narrows her eyes at her friend in annoyance. Straightening herself up, Mysti leaves Percy and me to some privacy.

“So, what do you want now?” Percy asks.

“I wanted to take you someplace special so that we could talk.”

“So where’s the car?”

“Oh, no, I’m not falling for that again. Last time we were in a car, you jumped out. This time we walk.”

Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice? Well, there’s never a second time with me.

I learn rather quickly from my mistakes.

“Alright then, lead the way.”

It’s quiet between us at first. Percy’s doing her best to act tough and stand her ground.

It’s rather adorable really. A bit pre-teenish but adorable all the same.

Her resolve fails after a couple of blocks.

Slowly, she begins to drift closer to me as we stroll through the beautiful city until—finally—her hand finds mine. Our fingers intertwine.

It lasts for only a minute however.

Once Percy realizes what she’s done, she immediately takes her hand back, staring angrily at the appendage like it’s to blame.

I stifle my laughter, allowing a fairly uncomfortable silence to settle around us.