Friday 7:46 Pm
The taste of Percy’s pussy and saliva are flavors my tongue would delightfully partake for all eternity. I don’t understand how we have spent time apart at all. I’m so in love with her, and I can’t imagine losing her again.
I won’t let that happen, even if she is falling into the table.
Fuck, I’ll just follow her into the spiral. We’ll journey through space and time together forever. It’ll be the greatest love story ever told.
As her lips are locked with mine, our eyes closed, our passion intensifying; I feel her moving her leg between mine. She starts teasing and rubbing my cock through my jeans with her knee.
In the time I have spent with Percy, she tests me more and more.
Fuck, Percy, don’t stop.
“Oh my,” I say.
I don’t want her to not do it...I just want her to admit she wants me. I want her to tell me how much she misses my touch.
“You know, what you’re doing is just driving me wild here.”
“The whole universe is driving me wild, Anton. Like, how the fuck are we even here?” Percy asks twelve times, all at once in different octaves.
“I don’t know, baby. But all I care about is that you’re here,”
Admittedly, I’m acting a bit more vulnerable than usual. It’s not every day that you start fooling around with your ex-fiancé as I did an hour ago. I need all the points I can get for trying.
And certainly even less common is her babbling about our place in the universe and how we’re so big and so small all at the same time.
“Shut up, Anton. Say, why don’t you go ahead and whip that cock out and let me decide if I’m still broken up with you.”
I fiercely and quickly drop my pants and boxers to the floor, revealing my long, thick cock standing high at attention.
I’m ready. She stares directly at my cock and gulps.
She either wants it bad or I look like a monster.
She looks up at me with a sinister smile on her face and utters two words that flip my switch from hopeful to ravenous: “Fuck me.”
I push my cock into her pussy, sliding deep inside of her. She’s so aroused that I can glide the entire length into her and start thrusting in and out with her cunt full of my cock. She throws her head back and whimpers.
“That’s my girl,” I comment. She glares at me, and I give her a wicked grin back.
I don’t know if it’s purely the animosity from our differences forcing the distance we had, or if it’s just something that’s been manifesting all along. Either way, I’m rolling with it, and I’m taking charge.
I think it’s fucking hilarious that just earlier today, I had my whole world turned upside down when Percy said she didn’t want to be together, and now she’s explaining her take on existentialism between whimpers for my cock.
Seeing Percy shudder at my touch is one of my favorite sights, even if the sky’s melting stars are all around us as we become one. I feel utterly addicted to her sensuality, captivated by her lustful desires.
When we’re together, nothing else exists. Nothing else matters.
Fuck, like now, for example. We’re in the middle of a goddamn universal spiral.
I take Percy’s legs and bring them to my shoulders. I pump my hips hard against her body, and my cock drills further into her tight little pussy. She moans louder for me.
With every thrust into her, I feel more and more waves of intense pleasure flowing through me. I don’t want to stop. I want to make her ache for me.