Chapter 23



Lock pulls the motorcycle over just outside of Bangkok, and it’s not a moment too soon. I don’t wait for him to say anything or even turn off the bike. I’ve fucking had it.

I jump off the bike and immediately start pacing.

The stress of this trip is already getting to me. I just wanted to enjoy one night out to celebrate my award and have one last hurrah before I tied the knot.

But, nooooooo.

“Seriously, what the fuck, Lock?” I reel around on him. “Every time you’re around, shit happens. Every. Fucking. Time. Why is it that at every conference or ceremony, you’re there?”

“In case you forgot, darl, we work in the same field,” he shrugs, finally hopping off the bike himself.

“Yeah, we do, but do you know how many other people work in the same field that I don’t see on a regular basis? I swear it’s like you’restalkingme.”

It’s the truth. I always see him. It’s like he materializes out of thin air and into the barstool next to me, bottle of tequila in hand.

Like a fucking genie that can’t get enough of me rubbing his lamp.

His long, hot la—

GAAAAH! Sammi, stop it!

“Really, Sammi? You’re going to fucking play it like that?”

“Play it like what, Lock?” I throw my hands up in the air.

“Me, stalking you? Not by a long shot. I’ve got women falling all over me, in case you haven’t noticed. If I end up at your side every fucking time we’re in the same city, it’s becauseyouwant it that way.” He jabs a finger at my chest accusingly.

I can’t help but laugh as I smack his finger away. “Yeah, I don’t think so. Maybe if you crawled out of your own ass once in a while, you’d see that you’re not all that fabulous.”

“That’s why you end up in bed with me each time, screaming my name over and over, right?” He smirks, and memories of last night under the waterfall pop into my mind.

Hot, passionate sex with water flowing behind us. The look on Lock’s face as he pounded me relentlessly.

No, no, no, no, no! Not right now!


“And it wasn’t just once, Sammi. It’s all the fucking time. We’ve fucked on multiple occasions, and I’ve given you multiple orgasms each time.”

“Obviously, it’s not that memorable, because I don’t fuckingrememberany of it!”

Of course, I’m lying. The flashbacks have been coming fast and hard, much like the way we fucked last night. I can still feel the heat of his stiff, massive cock in me.

He doesn’t need to know that, though.

For a moment, I swear I see the hurt on his face. Lock is one to wear a mask; he doesn’t always let his true feelings shine through.

But just like that, his cool exterior is back in the blink of an eye.Must’ve been my imagination.

“It’s because you don’t want to remember, right? It’s so fucking easy to blame it on the tequila, but the fact is you don’t remember, because you don’t want to. God forbid you experience fun for once in your sober fucking life.”

“Fun? I havelotsof fun, Lock. Withoutyou. I don’t need you to have fun.”