We direct our attention back to our surroundings, still walking further into the grounds.

I stare intensely at every possible landmark, every building.

Nothing even looks remotely familiar.

I see similar looks of confusion on the faces around me.

Obviously, we’ve been here, but for the life of me, I can’t recall.

Mysti’s eyes roam around us, stopping just a hair too long on the many statues dotting the lawn.

I catch her eyes with my best maternal glare.

Fuck, no.

Two minutes later, any lingering hope I was feeling begins to wilt in my chest.

I just don’t remember this place.

At all.

I stop walking abruptly, the gang following suit.

“Anything?” I plead.

Heads shake all around.

“Great. We’ve probably got two minutes before we’re thrown out on our asses.”

“Don’t worry,” Becky says. “We’re gonna figure this out. We’ve done it before.”

“Definitely,” Percy offers. “If not here, we’ll find clues somewhere else.”

I’m not so sure.

It’s not like we have any other leads. This was all we had to go on.

Not to mention, we have no clue what kind of hell we raised last night.

I may have totally ruined things with Eggs, destroyed our migration project, and screwed up my entire life plan.

Call me crazy, but I’m just not feeling the pep talk.

I’m about to suggest that we head back for the tuk-tuks when I hear bells.



“Lunch time?” Mysti wonders.

All of our heads turn towards the sound.

“Who knows?” Becky says.

I barely hear her, though.


The ringing of the bells awakens something in me. Not a spiritual revelation—but a revelation just the same.

The memory slams into me with the force of a freight train, and suddenly, I recall another piece of the puzzle from last night.