“So, what do we do? Just go around asking people if they know who did my tattoo?”

“No, but I think I know who we can ask,” Percy cuts in with a smile on her face. She pulls out her phone. “Turn around so I can get a picture.”

I turn my shoulder to her, posing for the camera.

“Got it!” she confirms “Should I Instagram this, too? Maybe put on a cool filter? Caption could be like Llook who got a new tattoo and bomb dick? I’m putting the Bang in Bangkok, baby!’ Then maybe a hashtag? Maybe ‘I licked the Lock?’”

I wonder how many years in prison I would serve if I just assaulted them all with an ice cream cone. It’d be difficult, but I thinkIcould handle it.

“No Percy. It would be ‘Hashtag, Lockdown’.” Mysti interjects as I promptly elbow her in the ribs.

Smartass bitches.

“You guys arethe worst. Can we all just forget Lock and I hooked up? It’s not important!”

They all laugh at me, Liam and ladyboy included, not taking a single word of my plea seriously.


Percy’s phone starts ringing again, and this time she answers.

“Hello, my sexy Silver Fox,” she greets him as she puts him on speakerphone.

“Hey there, baby. Glad to see you picked up this time.”

“I’m sorry, Daddy. It’s been super crazy here.”

“Don’t worry about it, baby girl. I know how Bangkok is. It’s so easy to get all wrapped up. I just wanted to make sure that you were safe and sound.”

The way her voice jumps three octaves when talking to him makes me want to vomit. But of all her sugar daddy boyfriends that she strings along, I like this one the most.

“So, Daddy, can you tell me what the deal is with Sammi’s tattoo?”

“Yeah! It’s a Yantra tattoo,” he reveals. “Specifically aHa-thaeo. The five lines are meant to be a blessing for success and good luck.”

Well, at least it’s not some fucking swear or curse or some shit. Now I just need to figure out where I got it.

“So do you think you could help us figure out what tattoo shop she got it at? Is there anyone that, like, specializes in it, do you think?”

“Oh, she didn’t get that at no shop, baby girl.”

Okay, now I’m super confused. If not a shop…

“Then where did I get it?” I blurt, no longer thinking to myself.

“That there was done at a Buddhist monastery. There’s one not far from the city that you can get a rickshaw to. That’s probably where it was done,” he theorizes.

“You’re the best, Daddy! I’ll talk to you soon.”

She makes an over exaggerated kissing sound, and a nearby stray cat looks at her and hisses as if Percy just insulted its existence.

Percy throws whatever is left of her ice cream down at the cat, and it rushes to the strange treat before the heat completely melts it into the ground.

Suddenly, a horde of cats—and I mean like a fucking biblical plague kind of horde—appears from every direction to lap up the corn-flavored ice cream.

Looking at one another, we tiptoe away from the street as an unsettling number of felines crawl out of buildings, trash cans, and holes I didn’t know were even there. The sea of cats emerges to fight over the frozen dairy.

Liam manages to grab us two rickshaws, giving us a perfect escape. And now we’re off again to solve another piece of last night’s mystery.

Given what I learned at the cabaret, I’m terrified at what I may learn at the monastery. At this rate, I’m half expecting to learn that I got inducted into some Buddhist community or that I got married or something.

As that particular thought crosses my mind, I’m petrified.