Chapter 8



My brain is in the middle of a civil war that has me thrown about like a ship lost at sea.

One side is screaming at me to seek out the nearest bottle of cobra tequila and down it in the hopes that I can forget about everything that happened with Lock.

The other side knows that if I do, I’ll just find him to fuck him all over again.

My pussy is still aching from our apparent hot and heavy bang sesh.

God.What was I even thinking?

I make every effort possible to ignore my burning loins, which is really fucking hard to do.

And here I am in the middle of Bangkok, not even sure of what literal road to take, let alone what’s going on in my foggy, hungover head.

“Hey, when are we gonna get something to eat?” A familiar voice pipes up.

I turn to Percy, looking at her in disbelief. I really have no idea how she does it.

“Percy, we just ate, like, an hour ago.”

“So? I’m fucking hungover, and food helps.”

“Ooohhhh, can we get something cold? This heat is fucking killing me right now,” Mysti pipes in.

There’s a unanimous nodding of heads, and now we are apparently off to find something cold, despite how crucial it is to me for us to figure everything the fuck out. I just go with it; I need their memories so we canpiecethis shit back together.

The humid climate of Bangkok has my floral sundress already starting to cling to my moistened skin. Just peachy.

“Alright, so let’s go over this one more time,” I start. “We showed up here with Lock. Percy, you went backstage and did what again?”

“I gave those ladyboys some much needed tips for their foundation and mascara,” she says with a triumphant smile that is infectious.

Despite Percy’s antics that just seemingly always get us into trouble, one redeeming quality of hers is that her make-up isalwayson point.

She could make millions with tutorials on YouTube. Seriously, she could. And it’s absolutely in her nature to tell those poor ladyboys what they’re doing wrong.

“Becky and Liam were onstage, doing everything but outright fucking,” Percy shares with the group.

Liam chuckles lightly to himself while Becky rolls her eyes, trying to hide her drunken shame.

“Ooohhh. I was with the love of my life at the table,” Mysti pipes in. She and ‘Celine Dion’ decide to lock lips. I still have so many questions aboutthat, but it’s just notthefocus right now.

“And then after that, we get kicked out,” I add. “Right?”

“Kinda. You and Lock had already left to get down each other’s pants.”

I’m sure that if looks could kill, Percy would be dead on the ground right now.

She gives me the wink and the gun, playing into that whole ‘You’re my best friend and you love me soIcan say whatIwant’ bullshit.

“Wait. Why did we get kicked out?” I ask as we continue forward down this dirty, crowded path.

Mysti and Faux Dion share a knowing look but refuse to comment.