Page 128 of The Marriage Mistake

“Good,” she says, “I love it.”

Oddly enough, I believe her.

I set my drink aside, using both hands to pull her closer against me.

“Yeah? You think you can stand to look at this face forever?”

She laughs. “Well, not forever. Just until we die.”

“Nope, not long enough.” I respond.

She nods in agreement.

It’s been a crazy few months. Almost as crazy as the time we spent in Bangkok.


It feels good to have this time with her. We may have our hands full with shark poachers and near-death experiences, but in the middle of it all, we have these moments. Times when it’s just the two of us. Calm seas and stiff drinks.

I live for these moments. I live for her.

I pick my glass back up and take a long drink. It’s a margarita, of course. Whenever we drink together, it’s tequila.

And whenever Sammi mixes us margaritas, it means we’re in for a hell of a night. Although really, every night with Sammi is kind of that way.

“What is it?” she asks, looking down at me.

“Hmmm?” I come back to reality. “Oh, nothing, just thinking…I’m just really fucking happy, Sammi.”

She nuzzles closer to me. “I love you, Lock.”

“I love you, too…Sammi-Poo.”

The look of abject terror that crosses her face is worth the smack it costs me. She wriggles in my grip, and I hold her tighter.

“Don’t you DARE!”


I can’t control my laughter. I love how much she hates the nickname almost as much as I love calling her by it. To think she almost married that fucker.


She must be thinking along the same lines because her laugh sounds more than a little like relief.

“Fuck you, Lachlan,” she chokes out between giggles.

“Is that an invitation?”

I’m already getting hard between us.

Raging boners are pretty much my natural state of being now. Difficult to be around Sammi without one. She grinds against me, feeling for herself.

“Maybe…if you quit this Sammi-Poo bullshit.”

“Hmm…you drive a hard bargain, darl.”

“Sure do.”