Page 115 of The Marriage Mistake

Chapter 36



I slump down the hall, breathing out a huge huff of air like I’m about to blow wind against Becky’s sails.

The first thing that happens as I do is my phone rings. I check the caller ID—Eggs.

I don’t fucking answer it, because if I do, I’m going to say something that I’ll regret. There’s too much anger there. Too much resentment.

When I talk to Eggs again, I’m going to be calm. I’m going to be cool.

And I’m going to say something that’s going to fucking destroy him, because that’s what he deserves.

The second thing that happens as I approach the door to the suite is that I see it: a fucking pile-up.

Three Thai delivery boys bearing gifts with Mysti May, Becky, and Liam all wearing the world’s most self-satisfied grins on their faces.

“Okay,” Becky says. “So, here’s the deal.Thisorder…”

She waves Delivery Boy #1 over and pinches his cheek in a way that makes him blush. He’s carrying a bouquet of lilies—my favorite—with a card attached.

Which I reach for, and Becky promptly plucks away just before my fingers close around it.

“This order,” she begins again, looking so smug I wanna smack her, “was placed the day you announced your engagement to Eggsy—the shithead.”

“Who from?” I ask.

Becky clears her throat, then reads from the card: “Sammi—You’re marrying a wanker who doesn’t deserve you, but you’ll be a smokin’ hot bride. If you need anyone to object last minute while you stand at the altar, I’ll be there. Yours, Lock.”

Delivery Boy #1 hands me the lilies and Becky deposits the card on top. She’s lucky that the lilies leave my hands full…

Or else I’d be tempted to actually smack her.

“Typical Lock,” I say, shaking my head. “He sent me flowers as an excuse to be disapproving about my choice in men.”

“Which turned out to be right,” Liam reminds me. “Show her what’s behind door number two, love.”

Impossibly, Becky’s smile gets even more smug as she beckons forward Delivery Boy #2.

“This order,” she announces, “was placed at seven last night. Presumably at the beginning of Lock’s meeting with Eggs at that ladyboy bar.”

Delivery Boy #2 stacks a second massive bouquet of flowers atop the first. Black roses—oh, this should be rich.

Once again, Becky does the honors, grabbing the card before I can see it.

“Sammi—If you haven’t talked to me yet today, do. And if you’re still marrying that shithead, don’t. It’s important. Yours, Lock.”

“Drama queen,” I say, but even I’m a little touched by this.

These flowers weren’t gloating.

These flowers were a contingency plan.

“He was going to tell you, Sams.” Becky looks suddenly sincere. “He didn’t want you to marry Eggs without knowing.”

“Okay, okay,” I relent. “So what’s behind door number three?”