Okay, that was a bit of a low blow.But, Sams, you need to hear this. It’s all for your own good.
“I do not need booze to be happy and live my life how I want,” she insists.
I roll my eyes at her. It’s better than laughing at her, but not by much.
“Oh please. If you were drinking right now, you’d be confessing your undying love for me. You’d be telling me about how much we have together. You’d be all over me and telling me how badly you want me.
“Fuck, you would have me take you right here. Right now. In front of all these people.” I turn and make a grand gesture toward everyone watching. I’m pretty sure the crowd has nearly doubled in size too from when this all started. “Oh, that’s right, Sams. You’d be all over me. You know I’m right. Hell, I wouldn’t be all that surprised if the thought of it turns you on. You’d love it if I bent you over right now and—”
Did I mention she’s fast? Because she is. Like sneaky ninja fast at that.
One second, I’m telling her how she’d have me bend her over. And now I feel myself falling backward over a rope into the nasty river below.
Now when I say nasty, I meannasty.The river is one of the filthiest in the world. Most of it in this part of the country iswastewater dumped from households and businesses. Even fish can’t survive in it.
And I’m now submerged in it. I’ve never felt dirtier in my life.
I’m crawling up out the water as quickly as I can. Some people are nice enough to help me, but the smell coming off me is strong enough that they may pass out first.
Sammi has decided to storm off again. Once more, she’s on the run from dealing with me and her emotions.
“Hey, Sammi. Be sure to call when you remember our wedding ceremony,” I yell as I step over the rope barrier.
I just hope that if—or when—she does call that I’ve had the time to shower enough times to get the smell of the river off me.