Page 100 of The Marriage Mistake

“Yes, Samira?” I return.

“I hope I don’t forget this,” she admits in her hazy, post-orgasmic, drunken state.

“Don’t worry, babe. You won’t.”

“But how do youuu know? You don’t know me and my friend Jose very well,” she goes on and starts giggling to herself. She’s so fucking cute I can’t help but chuckle with her.

I trace her hair line with my finger and turn her around, laying her head in my lap, just admiring and petting her.

“That may be true, but I know this was fucking special,” I say. I’m trying not to get too into this. After all, we did just meet.

“It really was. Thank you so much for being my company all night. I’ve never been to one of these before. I was just so nervous, I guess.”

“Trust me, hon. You’re fine. You’ve been amazing company to me, as well. And I can’t wait to talk with you even more after the conference. Can I give you my number?” I ask, like we’re back to being awkward teenagers after a kiss during a game of spin the bottle.

“Yeah! Fuck, yeah! And I’m gonna call you as soon as I’m back home and settled. We can check up on each other and shit,” she says, still very insistently drunk.

“Fantastic. Hand me your cell, and I’ll add myself in,” I tell her. She slaps her hand around the table and doesn’t find it.

“Hold on,” she says.

Sammi gets off the table and fishes through her purse on the floor to grab her phone.

“Aha!” she shouts as she holds it up above her head. Again, cute. But drunk.

I take the cell from her hand and add my number and my name into her contacts. I’m damn giddy that I’ve just made such a great connection with this gal. But I’m doing my best to not seem over-enthusiastic.

“There you are, babe. I’m all in. Just shoot me a text when you’re up for it, eh?”

“Abso-fucking-lutely!” she assures me. “I want to thank you, Lock.”

“Thank me? For what exactly?”

“For being here. For spending the last few hours with me. And especially for that cock. Holy mother fuck, that cock!” she starts spieling on.

And here we go with the monster cock comments. If I’ve heard them once, I’ve heard them a million times.

“That cock is so fucking huge. Like…I won’t forget that cock, right? How the fuck could I?”

“I certainly would hope not. And even if you did, I definitely won’t forget tonight,” I reply.

“You mean that?” she says in a high-pitched, sweet voice. I’ve tickled her once again.

“Of course I mean that. Say, how about you give me your number as well, just in case?” I try to suggest. By the time I actually get the words out, Sammi is off the table, darting for the restroom.


Well, there’s no way she’d blank on a night like this. It’s too fucking significant.

I head over to the bathrooms myself, making sure she doesn’t pass out naked in one of them and embarrass herself in the morning. Despite the discomfort it brings me, I walk in to the ladies’ room.

There she is, on the floor, praying to a toilet.

“Come on, babe. Let’s get you back to your hotel,” I coerce her as I peel her off the cold, tile floor. She grunts and nods.

I hold her stable and walk us back to the hammerhead room, much to my own dismay, getting her clothes back on her.

As I care for her and hail us a taxi, she says one more time before her words turn into exhausted babbling noises, “I really hope I don’t forget tonight. You’re the most amazing man I’ve ever met, and I deserve to remember that.”

“You will, doll. You will,” I say, kissing her forehead before easing us into our cab.