Page 125 of The Marriage Mistake

For the time being, though…

“Sammi,” Lock gasps. He slides his hands up my body as my hips force him to say my name.

“Yes, darling?”

“Did you ever—oh, fuckingChrist—did you ever get that box I sent?”

I smile. Of course, I smile.

In the heat of everything, I nearly forgot about his little blue box.

“And something like three dozen flowers, besides,” I add, fishing it out of the pocket of my skirt.

“Have you—ohGod—have you opened it yet?”

“Mmm. No,” I admit. “Should I?”

I run my thumb across the top of it, weighing it in the palm of my hand as I milk Lock with my cunt. There’s something fucking glorious about teasing him—using his hot, muscled body for my pleasure and with every twitch of my hips, making him want me more and more.

But all my teasing has a price.

Luckily, when it comes to Lock, it’s a price I’m always willing to pay.

He finally thrashes his hips upward, and I lose my balance. There’s a dark grin on his handsome, perfect lips as he wraps his arms around me, lifting me up and pinning me to the side of his bunk with his own hips.

“Open it,” he growls through his teeth.

He thrusts deep into me, finally able to take what he wants. It sends such an intense wave of pleasure through my body that I nearly scream and drop the box entirely.

Instead, I wrap my legs around his waist and take his shoulder between my teeth. My arms encircle his neck, holding on for dear life…

And then finally, I pop the little blue box open and take my first look at the treasure contained within.

It’s a ring.

I always knew it would be a ring. Men don’t send women that they’ve drunkenly married during a wild night in Bangkok a little blue box unless it has a ring inside it—so of course it’s a fucking ring. I was prepared for that.

What I wasn’t prepared for was to fall in love with it so quickly. Literally on sight. It sparkles up at me as Lock drives his hard, thick cock as deep inside me as it will go.

I orgasm again, staring into the glimmering shine of a white opal, book-ended by twin sapphires. My eyes roll back, and my whole body tenses up and—oh god.

I’m in love with this man.

Really, truly in love with him.

And now I’m really, truly his wife.

Eggs never gave me an engagement ring. It never bothered me at the time—I’m not that kind of woman. Knowing me, I would have lost it anyway.

My engagement to Eggs was calculated and rational and reasonable—all the things that the old Sammi Brighton liked about not really being in love.

But it had always lacked heart. Maybe because his heart was always more interested in what was between a Thai ladyboy’s thighs…

And mine was always with Lock. Whether I remembered it or not.

And now, here Lock is, squeezed tight betweenmythighs.

I slip the ring onto my finger and toss the box aside—then I kiss him.