It works, apparently.
Izzie stands up, the bubbles dripping from her wet body.
No, that’s not right. Her fucking sexy body. Her tits are full and perky with hard nipples, begging me to reach out and squeeze them.
Her waist is small enough to fit comfortably in my grasp, which is no surprise, given how often I see her in the weight room when no one else is in there.
But the best view is the one between her legs.
It’s a view I’d love to get a close-up look at. Well, for starters, at least.
The growing bulge in my pants turns into a full-on hard-on, testing the strength of my pants’ stitching.
Before I can reach for her and prove my theory about her tiny waist, she’s wrapped in her robe and leaving tiny wet footprints all through my bedroom.
I pause for a second at the bathroom door, watching her retreating shape disappear out of my room and down the hall. I have no doubt that I won’t be able to get that view out of my head for quite a while.
I’m also sure that I’ll never look at quiet, innocent Izzie the same way ever again.
I get the feeling there’s more to her than she lets on.
My hands filled with overflowing grocery bags, I struggle across Brady’s foyer to the kitchen counter, hoping my arms won’t give out. Liam, right behind me, struggles with his own heavy bag. He’s such a great little helper.
“More fruit and veggies, I see,” Brady says as he grabs water from the fridge.
“Nice hydration choice,” I commend.
I wonder if I’m the only one who feels awkward after last night’s tub incident. Judging by the way Brady is staring at my ass, I’d say I’m the only embarrassed party around here.
“Brady, can we throw the ball around?” Liam asks, grabbing the football from the bench by the back door.
Both Brady and Liam are giving me a pleading look. Thesamelook. The same everything, really, I’m starting to realize.
“Sure, go on out there, you two,” I say, taking a head of broccoli out of the reusable shopping bag. The boys head out to throw passes. “I’ll just be here slaving away.”
Brady hesitates by the back door until Liam says, “She’s just joking. She likes to chop vegetables all night long.”
“What a weirdo,” Brady says, ushering Liam out the door. Then he looks back and winks at me.
It isn’t long between Brady and Liam disappearing out the patio door to me hearing laughter coming from the backyard. The football sails past the sliding doors separating the patio from the kitchen.
I move down the counter a little so I have a view of both of them while I unload groceries. I often think of how amazingly proud Lucy would be of the smart little kid Liam has become.
Even before he was born, he was so loved and wanted. Sitting by my sister’s hospital bed, it didn’t really hit me that she really might not make it until she made me promise not to tell Brady about Liam.
I wanted to keep her promise. How can you deny a dying wish, after all? And up until now, keeping it hasn’t been a problem.
He lived his life, oblivious to Liam and I, and we lived ours. But now our lives are starting to entwine a little more every day.
As much as I loathed the thought of being in the same room with Brady when I first took this job—and feared Liam and Brady being in the same room—it feels different now. If I’m being honest with myself, seeing how amazing Brady is with Liam, the ease they have with each other, I wonder if I’m making the right decision by keeping this huge secret from them both.
The stir-fry is sizzling in the pan, and the brown rice is boiling away, giving me a chance to chop veggies to have at the ready in the fridge. I chuckle, thinking that Liam is right—I do love chopping stuff. I also love having a fuller house, like it was when Gigi and Pappy were still alive.
I walk to the back door and catch a glimpse of a shirtless Brady. He’s all ripped biceps and glistening chest in the evening sun. Suddenly, I remember sitting in that hot tub last night, alternating between wanting him to go away and wanting him to take me in his arms.
When I jumped out of the tub, there was a split second there that I considered running straight at him instead ofaway fromhim to the safety of my room. Pushing the thought of my body pressed against Brady’s, I open the door and step out.