The Fidelity Test ~Cora

“Josh,you know I want to wait before we go to second base,” I said as I ran my fingers through his sandy blond hair.

He sucked in his cheeks and let out a disappointed puff of air as he let his head fall into the nape of my neck. “C’mon, babe. You’re killing me. Let me smash that tight little kitty.”

“Shh! You can’t talk to me like that when my dad is home. He could come up here and hear you.” I tugged at the collar of his t-shirt, and he pulled his bottom lip between his teeth.

“Your first time will be special, Cora. I have a blanket in the back of my car. It’s new. Never been used.”

“How exhilarating. Getting laid in the back of your shit car.” I dropped my eyes to my phone and giggled when I saw a text from my best friend slide across the screen.

Josh lowered his lips to the nape of my neck. His wet tongue poked me in an attempt to try and turn me on. I shifted, elbowing him in the gut to get him to stop.

“Fuck. How long are you going to make me wait? All my friends are getting laid. I’m tired of—“

“Tired of what?” My dad poked his head through the door, and I shoved Josh off of me. Sitting up, I ran my hands through my hair and climbed off the bed.

“Nothing. Josh is just talking about school stuff.” I held my breath and released it when dad relayed a soft smile. “What’s up? Did you burn the brats for the party and need me to run to the store?”

He jutted his tongue into his cheek and scratched the edge of his grin. “I can’t find my other pair of jeans. I thought I—“

“Bottom drawer of your dresser.” I climbed off the bed and grabbed his wrist as I pulled him out of my room and into his.

“What would I do without you, sweet pea?”

I rolled my eyes and shook my head. He was right, though. He would perish without me, although he tried to tell himself every day that he had everything under control. He had nothing under control. He would be wearing a two-week-old shirt and grease-stained jeans if I didn’t wash his clothing like clockwork. A clean house with a fridge full of food and bills that were paid on time was all my doing. Sometimes I wondered if he let me take the reins because he was afraid to.

“Here. I put them at the bottom because you rarely wear your nice ones.” He placed a soft kiss on my cheek and took the jeans from my hands.

A beat of silence passed between us, and I waited patiently for the thoughts running through his head to spill off his lips, but before he could, my gaze locked on the bedroom door.

“Am I interrupting?” My dad's girlfriend sauntered in. Her four-inch wedge sandals glided across the carpet as she nestled behind my dad. She peered over his shoulder and locked her icy blue eyes with mine.

“Nope. Just helping my dad find his clothing for the millionth time.”

“Oh, God. You make it sound like a chore,” he joked.

An annoying giggle flowed off her lips, and I wished I didn’t have to hear it. Her name was Jewel, and she was a life-sized barbie who lived for kale salads, high heels, and expensive eye cream. Not much younger than my dad, she cast off her sons years ago and set on a journey to find true love; sadly, she ended up here. She ran her manicured fingers through her platinum tresses before she snatched my dad’s lips. The image made me wince, and I walked around them and headed for the hallway.

“Did you tell her?” she whispered in my dad’s ear.

I turned reluctantly and shoved my hands into the back pockets of my shorts. “Tell me what?”

My heart dropped into my stomach as I waited. I had a hunch what they were going to say, and the thought turned my stomach sour. My dad stepped toward me and grabbed my hand. He was obviously just as nervous because it looked like he was going to vomit.

“I know,” I blurted out before his lips parted.

His brows furrowed, and he sliced his gaze back to Jewel before returning them to me. “You know…?”

I folded my arms across my chest and jutted my hip. “Hiding rings in socks isn’t such a good idea, Dad.”

“Are you upset, sweet pea?” He dipped his chin and trailed a thumb over his lip.

I traded a glance between him and Jewel before begrudgingly opening my arms and plastering a smile across my face. My dad’s eyes lit up, and he pulled me into his embrace.

“I hid the ring in a sock?” he asked, his brows furrowing as he rehashed his actions.