“What? No!” Her cheeks turned a shade darker, and she stabbed her innocent pancake with her fork. I knew saying her ex-boyfriend’s name wouldn’t go over easily, but I couldn’t help myself. I wanted her, and now that she was single, I had a shot. Plus, I wondered what else got her flustered.

Cora huffed and stood. Pushing her empty plate away, she held my gaze. The fire in her eyes was imminent. She grabbed the other girl's hand and dragged her out of the kitchen.

“Well, you managed to piss Cora off. Good job.” Dylan’s response was snarky, no surprise, though.

I plopped down onto a stool and snatched a plum from the fruit basket in front of me. “She’s a teenager. She’ll get over it. How old is she?”

“Nineteen, and she’s a complete riot.”

“Like father like daughter, right?”

His gaze bounced from one side of the kitchen to the next as a beat of silence strained between us.

“So, are you here to give me an ear full?”

He swirled his coffee around in his cup as he waited for my answer. I took another bite out of the plum as I observed the feminine decor of his kitchen. “As much as I want to tell you how stupid your plan was, I’ll keep it to myself, but no, I’m not here to give you an ear full.” I swallowed and waited for his reply. Dylan had always been an easy-going guy, but forgiveness wasn’t one of his strong suits.

He rubbed the back of his neck. The pinch of unhappiness in his face was evident. “Well, I guess you got to witness my life turn to shit once again.”

I leaned onto the island and knocked my knuckles against the white marble. “I wanted to tell you yesterday that I’m selling my dad’s house. I won't have much of a reason to come back. Thought I should tell you in person.”

His brows jogged up his forehead, and he turned, tossing his mug into the sink before reaching for the fridge handle. A row of bottles rattled on the side of the door, and he grabbed a beer, but only one. He never drank before 4 PM, so I knew the breakup was doing a number on his heart, even if he hid his emotions behind a static glare.

“Look, I know you blame me for severing our friendship, but it wasn’t intentional. You had life shit going on and Cora. What was I suppose—“

“Yeah, well, I had dreams too. Cora wasn’t going to stay young forever. You could have waited, but you ran off with our ideas and pretended like they were your own,” he said, cutting me off.

Before I could get another word out, he stormed out of the kitchen. I followed close behind until we were both standing in front of Cora’s little green car. Cora’s friend struggled as she loaded the trunk with all Cora's things. A wave of heat washed over me as I studied Cora’s movements. Those big lips, soft skin, and perky breasts. She wasn’t a little girl anymore, and I wanted to drag her out of that car and pin her to the hood. Dylan rounded the front of the car before stopping at the driver’s side door.

“Who are you?” the tall blonde-haired girl asked as she walked over.

I folded my arms across my chest and locked my gaze back on Cora. “An old friend.”

She popped her gum and twirled a golden lock around her finger. “Oh. Are you going to the cabin too?”

I quirked a brow. “The cabin?”

“Yeah. Cora’s running away for the summer. She’s going to hide out and become a cavewoman for a month or so. I don’t blame her, honestly. I mean, if I caught my boyfriend titty fucking—”

“Alone?” I interjected her mid-sentence.

“Yup. Oh, don’t worry, she prob won’t make it three nights. She’s scared of everything. She’ll be back soon enough, and I’ll have to listen to her cry about still being a virgin. Le sigh.”

“Virgin?” I winged a brow.

She froze and a beat of silence followed. “Whoops. Don’t tell her I said anything. Please,” she begged.

I gave her a once over. “Your secret's safe with me.”

She smiled and walked back over to the car and gave Dylan a fist bump and waved to Cora before getting into her luxury car.

A familiar feeling that I’ve long buried came bubbling to the surface, and all the important things that I needed to take care of suddenly went out the window. The only thing I cared about was making sure Cora got to the cabin safely and making sure she stayed there.


Sexy Savor~Cora

I had finally escaped,later than I’d wanted but right when I was about to enter the highway, Emma called me and asked if I had packed my vibrator. I told her I could buy one online and have it delivered, but then I remembered it would probably take forever, and my dad would see the charge on the statements.Gosh, I really need to get a separate checking account.Finding a good reason to turn back around was hard enough. I hurried to my bedroom and tossed open the drawer, tossing aside the pile of thick sweaters to reveal a pair of pink silicone rabbit ears. Tucking it under my arm, I powered down the steps and out of the front door before my dad could stop me.