I shook my head and ran my hand up and down my arm.

“Don’t go over 50 mph and try to avoid potholes. See ya back at the house?” He waited for my answer, so I begrudgingly nodded. That was the last place I wanted to go back to. I climbed into the driver’s seat and started the car. Making a U-turn in the middle of the road, he copied my actions and stayed on my ass the entire way home.


Forbidden Fruit~Brett

Fuck me.I went in for a hug and ended up with my tongue in her mouth. Goddamn, it felt good. She felt good. This was wrong, so wrong. I couldn’t have her, and I shouldn’t want her, but it’s like she woke something in me. Like she unlocked my deepest primal instincts, and the only thing I wanted to do was mount her to my bed and spread her legs apart as I fucked every bad memory out of her juicy body. She chased after my lips, and it felt like a punch to the gut walking away from her, but I had to. My cock ached for a little girl old enough to be my daughter.Fuck me.


Summer Plans~Cora

The next day…

“How long are you going to be gone?”

I ignored Emma’s question as I continued to stuff my clothing and other things into my duffle bag. I paused for a second, counting under my breath the number of days I’d be gone versus the number of shorts I had already packed. When I got back to the house yesterday my dad was still out. I told Brett that he probably wouldn’t be back until late. Not wanting to spend a minute longer in my own home, I texted Emma and told her to come pick me up. I walked over to my dresser and yanked it open, it didn’t budge, and I forgot that this was the one drawer that always stuck. I pulled again and the knob came loose.

“See, this is a sign. You can’t get in your drawer, which means you can’t leave,” Emma said as she got comfortable on my bed.

I kicked the bottom drawer and it fell open, exposing a stack of tank tops and denim shorts. “Looks like the clothing Gods are on my side,” I said as I snatched up the pile and walked back over to the bed.

Emma peeked inside the duffle, and she pouted. “If it’s just going to be you at the cabin, why do you need so many clothes?” Her words came out muffled due to the handful of small cookies she'd shoved into her mouth a few seconds ago.

I rolled my eyes and sighed. The light from the sun cascaded into my room, landing in the corner where the ball of wrinkled bed sheets lay. If I could burn the whole damn room, I would have. I refused to sleep here last night and spent the night at Emma’s. A tightness formed in my chest as I rehashed the events that took place yesterday, but it wasn’t the cheating that particularly made me sad; it was the fact that I'd ignored all the signs. I looked around the room once more and made sure I didn’t forget anything.

“You know there are no laundromats near me, right?” I said as I placed my hands on my hips.

“Right…” She raised a brow and blew out her cheeks. “So you’re just going to leave me? What am I supposed to do all summer?”

I snatched a cookie out of the container she held and tossed my heavy duffel to the floor. “Aren’t you leaving for Europe in like a week?”

“But that’s a week away. So you’re making me fend for myself until I leave.” She stomped her foot on the soft carpet.

Emma liked to pretend she couldn’t live without me, but that was far from the truth. In reality, it was the other way around. Although Emma and I were two peas in a pod, we didn’t look it. She was supermodel thin, with legs for days and a pout that would make any boy who has gone through puberty drop to his knees.

Both of her parents were cosmetic surgeons, and they spent the school year here in the suburbs and their summers galavanting around Europe. Emma was like honey to a bee, and all she had to do to catch a hot guy was to exist. I, on the other hand, had a much harder time. I had no desire to be thin. I liked the way I looked even if it meant that my favorite brand of jeans couldn’t handle my thunder thighs and large ass.

“You’ll be fine. Isn’t there like a long line of guys waiting outside your bedroom window?” I teased and tossed the stuffed animal sitting on my bed at her head. That was the only thing I envied about Emma. She'd cashed in her V card the summer before we started college, and I'd been carrying mine around in the hopes that Josh would make it a night that I would never forget.

“This is stupid. It’s not like you’re going to see Josh or something. I mean, after yesterday, I heard he skipped town for the summer, so why do you have to leave?”

Her spine stiffened, and she lowered her eyes. The corners of my eyes burned, and I blinked to try and relive the uncomfortable feeling. I didn’t care if Josh skipped town. I didn’t care if he got hit by a damn bus at this point. I needed to be alone, away from everyone and everything.

“He just posted a picture of you on his—“

“Cora, come down here,” my dad called me from the kitchen, cutting off Emma mid-sentence.

One thing about my dad, he was a mastermind at hiding his true feelings. You could tell him the world was ending, and he would shrug it off as he sipped his cup of coffee. I didn’t tell him what happened between Josh and Jewel. I'd left that bag of trash for Jewel to air out all by herself. I couldn’t tell if my dad had been shocked by the news or not, but the sadness in his eyes was evident. It appeared he'd taken Jewel's actions at face value and called off their relationship. When I came in this morning I saw a highball glass sitting on the kitchen island with a sip of brown liquor resting at the bottom. Dad only drank hard liquor when shit hit the roof, and I couldn’t imagine the ache he felt when Jewel's cheating came to light last night. It hurt seeing the evidence, my dad popped the top on the bottle of scotch he hadn’t touched in over six years.

I packed the last of my things into my backpack and swung it over my shoulders. Emma grabbed my duffle, and I raised a brow as she picked it up with ease.

“I thought you were just a Barbie girl?” I joked.

She turned, raising her arm as she showed off her muscle. “I’m Buff Barbie.”

We headed down the steps. Emma dropped my duffle on the kitchen floor and grabbed some fruit off the tray sitting on the center island. Sporting a t-shirt with the sleeves rolled halfway up his arm and dishcloth hanging over his shoulder, dad turned to face me.