"If she's gone, how will you find her?" Mayo seeped from the corners of his mouth as he chewed on his last bite of burger, and I hadn't even touched mine. I raised my hand, letting my fingers run through my hair. The sound of gel crunched under my palms as my hands raked through.

"I'll reply to the agency when I return to the office. I'll ask for another girl, get her info and then ask the new girl what happened to Remy. Maybe she'll talk."

* * *


I'm scheduled to arrive in Stonebridge three weeks from now. Can you please arrange to have someone available for me the evening I arrive?


Jaimie Brett

The wait was the worse. Twenty minutes passed, and my computer chimed. An email notification from Creme de la Creme slid across my screen.

Dear Brett,

My name is Mya. I look forward to accompanying you during your business trip. Please let me know if I need anything in particular for our special time together


I remembered Mya from the online gallery. She was high maintenance, looked like she always woke up on the wrong side of the bed, and only liked shopping and spa days.


I am looking for Remy. If you have any information, please let me know.


I knew she wouldn't respond; why would she? She looked like a selfish, self-serving righteous bitch. My computer chimed again, reminding me of a meeting I had in less than five minutes, a meeting I wasn't prepared for. I stood and stormed out of my office to find my assistant with her eyes glued to her cellphone.

"Jaz, where is my schedule?" She looked up at me like I had asked her to solve the goddamn Pythagorean theorem.What fuck nut does my hiring? They need to be fired.

"What schedule?" she asked, her jaws moved in circular motions as she chomped obnoxiously on her gum.

"The one you were supposed to send to my email two hours ago."

Her eyes stayed glued to her phone, and I could feel the blood boiling under my skin as she ignored me. Then time seemed to stop, the air stilled, and the sound coming from the speakers on Jaz's phone had me reaching for it.

A woman's voice blared out of the speakers, and I knew exactly who it belonged to. My eyes widened, and a smile played across my face as my eyes watched her shove a cookie sheet into an oven. She hadn't changed a bit. Her hair was still brown, and her voice still had that soft, caring tone. She looked the same, except now she was pregnant.



I neededtwo cups of sugar for these sugar cookies, but I forgot to go to the store before coming to the studio. My camera beeped, letting me know it was fully charged and ready to go. I grabbed the pink apron and wrapped it around my waist.

The strings barely reached all the way around, the perks of being pregnant. I walked past the vintage fridge and saw myself in the mirror. My messy bun flopped to one side of my head, and loose strains peeked out from under my colorful headband. I had smidges of flour and egg yolk on my cheeks, and in the middle of my belly laid a flour splotch.

I attempted to fix myself up before filming, but it didn't matter. I was seven months pregnant, and the last thing I cared about was looking good for a bunch of stay-at-home moms who probably looked just like me. The voices of a small crowd outside the window caught my attention. They were taking pictures of my skoolie. Honey, that's what I named her the day I bought her and found out I was pregnant.

I've always been late, so when little red riding hood didn't show up, I didn't freak out, but then days turned into weeks, and I remembered I stopped taking birth control months ago due to the side effects. I didn't need a pregnancy test to tell me I had a human growing inside me. I had morning sickness, afternoon sickness, and evening sickness. It was a done deal. I was going to have a baby whose baby I did not know.

"Stop staring at your bump and decorate some cookies," Samantha yelled as she pushed through the doorway. She sat two brown bags on the kitchen island before flopping down into a high chair.

"I already filmed two sets of baking and decorating videos. Give a pregnant woman a break."

She pulled a mango juice from one of the bags and slid it towards me. I used to hate mango anything, and now it's all I craved.Thanks, baby.