“No, I understand. I just…” He paused as he stopped in front of me. “For what it’s worth, I’m sorry for all of this. It’s all very confusing and messy.”

“Understatement of the year.”

“Look, I can’t even begin to understand all that you’re going through, but—”

“No, you can’t.” I cut him off, both mentally and physically exhausted.

“I know, but I don’t have much family, and neither do you, so just call me if you need something, okay?” I could see the sincerity in his face.

“Okay, thanks.” I nodded and turned my tired body away from them. I was thankful he didn’t follow or let my mama come after me. Every step was hard, but my determination to get to Elio drove me forward.

“Good evening, Miss Giovanna.” One of the guards eyed me. I was sure he wondered just where the hell I’d appeared from. “Shall I call you a ride?”

“No, thanks. I need the time to think.”

“Very well.” He hesitated but opened the gates to let me pass.

My pace was slow, and my legs were as heavy as my heart. I felt broken and dull and wasn’t sure how I was going to share my news with Elio. I certainly would never keep anything like this from him, but I needed to know he would listen and not flip out. We just needed to lock ourselves in a room and air everything out.

The moon was full and provided soft light for my walk up the hill. Its light also allowed me to see the string of cars that lined the road up to his parents’ house. As I passed by them, I wondered what it was about. I hoped it wasn’t something I’d have to attend. I certainly wasn’t in any mood to socialize and hoped I could sneak quietly up to my bedroom. I opened the door and heard voices.

“And where are Anna and the notebook now?” Andrea asked quietly.

“No clue.” Elio’s strained voice had me slowly walking into the living room to find Vinni, Niccola, Donatello, and Elio, who looked as if they had been to battle. Andrea and Piero looked worried, and Francesco was in the corner with his head down. Slowly, I drew my hand back behind me, feeling like they could see through me.

“What happened?” I whispered, trying to absorb the scene that lay in front of me.

“Sienna,” Andrea carefully stepped away from her son toward me, “where have you been?”

“I…” I paused, remembering they didn’t know about psycho Nonna. “I was out.”

She took a deep breath and placed a hand on her chest like my words hurt her.

“Show me what’s in your hand.”

I squeezed my fist around the piece of steel and started to panic.

“Sienna, sweetheart, please show me what’s in your hand.”

I broke out in a sweat and wanted to cry all over again. This wasn’t how this was supposed to go.

“Sienna,” Piero said softly from behind her, “please do as she says.”

As I slowly lifted my hand, my chin quivered, and my heartbeat pounded against my breastbone. One by one, my fingers uncurled until it rested in the center of my palm.

Andera covered her mouth as she inspected the engravings on the inside.

“Oh,” she cried and turned her back to me. I glanced at Elio, my lifeline, who looked pale and ever so slowly turned his gaze away from me and turned to sink into a chair with his back to me, leaving me raw and exposed in front of his family.

“Elio?” The words had barely escaped my lips when I spotted her. Her evil eyes darkened, and a single brow rose as her hand landed on Elio’s shoulder.

“Proof is proof,” Nonna said in a strong, confident voice, reminding me this was her family and she held all the power.

My fingers almost burned as they squeezed around the hated metal, and I raced up to the guest room and slammed the door, locking it behind me. I sank to the floor like stone.

I thought this was what I wanted, to know my family, to learn about my past, but nothing could have prepared me for this.
