Tali took basketball seriously.I’d been imagining a friendly game where I ground my dick against her ass, maybe got some tit in my hands, but she wasn’t having any of it.

Ooof.Her elbow connected with my ribs, and she broke away, dribbling straight for the basket. I’d say I let her have the point…if I wasn’t bent in half, trying to regain the breath she’d knocked out of me.

She pumped her fist in victory, spinning around to gloat. “Oh shit, did I break you?”

I gave her a thumbs up. “It’s not fatal, you demon.”

She came over to me, rubbing her soft hands up and down my sides, making me feel pretty damn good, if not healed. “Are you surprised I’m competitive?”

“Not even a little.”

She passed the ball back and forth between her hands, letting me have a minute, even though I didn’t need it. I just liked looking at her like this. Happy, cheeks pink, a couple beads of sweat on her forehead. Nothing too serious, just two people enjoying the hell out of each other.

Of course, Tali didn’t enjoy the hell out of me when I slapped the ball from her hands and made a long shot.

“Swish. Nothing but net.” With my arms thrown in the air, I ran a winner’s circle around her.

“If I had a whistle, I’d blow it. I think you cheated.”

“Nope.” I jogged for the ball, bouncing it to her. “Not my fault you weren’t paying attention.”

She dribbled toward the hoop, and I crowded her, waving my arms around like a mad man. Laughing, she feinted right, then went left, but I stayed with her, even when she back tracked and went the other way.

She hadn’t been bullshitting about her skill, which I fucking loved, but I was bigger and taller, and she couldn’t get a shot off.

Not without cheating.

The little demon circled her hips, giving my dick a nice, soft place to rest. I should’ve known what she was doing, but my brain wasn’t functioning properly, not when all my blood had funneled below my waist.

She ducked under my arm and made her shot, bouncing the ball off the backboard into the net.

Tali threw her arms up in victory, and I grabbed her, dragging her against my chest.

“You’re a cheater, baby.” I rubbed my nose against her damp cheek. “I kinda like this side of you.”

Her ankles locked around my waist, and she tossed her head back, whooping to the sky.

“I am the basketball master,” she declared.

“Who says the game is over?”

“Do you want me to keep embarrassing you?”

“Now that I know your tricks, I’m ready to take you down.”

We played until it started getting dark. I didn’t keep track of the score—though I had no doubt Tali did—but we showed each other no mercy. I’d probably have bruises on my torso from her sharp demon elbows, but I managed to squeeze her tits a couple times—meaning she let me do it before she stole the ball and dunked on my ass.

I orderedChinese food while Tali took a shower. She came out with her hair damp around her shoulders, wearing one of my T-shirts, which barely cleared the tops of her thighs. It took a lot of self-control not to lift the shirt to see what was under it, but I managed to lock myself in the bathroom and take my own shower.

When I got out, the Chinese food had been delivered and Tali was setting the table for us. We filled our plates and sat across from each other. My apartment had come with a vintage crystal chandelier casting dappled light on Tali’s dark hair, giving her a glow.

“You’re crazy pretty, Stripes,” I said.

She rested her chin on her fist, lips curved into a content smile. “Thank you. I like the way you look at me. I always have.” She took a bite of rice, her eyes sweeping over me. “I’m glad I waited for you. Your neighbors were probably thinking I was some kind of stalker, hanging out in my car this afternoon.”

I swallowed the cashew chicken I’d been chewing. “Sorry I made you wait. I would’ve been here sooner, but I was at a meeting.”

“Narcotics Anonymous?” I nodded, and her brows pulled together. “I didn’t know you still went to them.”