This might be it. I might never get a chance to try with you. So I’m going to show up in Amsterdam and hope for...I don’t even know. That you don’t kick my ass off the tour before it even starts?

You won’t see this, so I’m just going to lay it all out there. I mean to end up with you, if you’ll have me. I’ve done all this work, getting my shit together. I did it for me, but I can’t deny you weren’t in the back of my mind too, just like Benny.

I’ll see you soon, Stripes. Try not to hate me too hard when you see me, okay?



There were a lot more emails,but I wouldn’t read them. I wasn’t sure I needed to. Jude’s intentions were in black and white. Reading more seemed intrusive, especially since he’d used his emails to me as something akin to a journal. Jude had once wished I could see inside him, see the way I’d branded him. Now, it felt as though I had. I’d read his thoughts and truths and knew his feelings for me hadn’t ever gone away.

I’d planned my return to Baltimore hour by hour. I had a lot to catch up on, especially with Rein Records and Nina’s wedding coming up. I’d slotted in time with Jude for the weekend, in between lunch with Nina and Lydia, and dinner with a colleague. In my mind, I ripped my calendar into shreds.

It all seemed unnecessary. Or at least not urgent.

Seeing Jude felt imperative. His name filled every block of my new mental calendar. I’d worked non-stop for six weeks, I could take a day, maybe two, to see Jude on his home turf.

Me:I have one more Jude question.


Me:What’s his address?

*Download Attachment*

Me:Why did you send me a picture of a smiling Rebecca?

Jin:That is a maniacally happy Rebecca because I just told her she gets to be the flower girl at your wedding.


Jin:LOL...okay, okay! Here we go…