
I can’t stay, but I wanted to tell you I’m relieved you’re still on this earth. I’m glad I got to see you tonight, healthy and performing so masterfully. Your 30s seem to be treating you well. Please keep taking care and have a beautiful life. If it means anything, I’m rooting for you.

Tali DiPietro

“Can you give this to him?”

Nina took it, eyeing the paper, then me warily. “Are you sure? I can leave with you.”

I shook my head. “I’ll catch a cab. I’m tired anyway.”

She let me go, and while I did catch a cab, I didn’t rest when I got home. I laid in my bed, staring at my ceiling, listening to The White Stripes.

Nina called at midnight. She knew me, and that meant being fully aware I never slept when I had a lot on my mind.

“Do you want me to tell you about it?” she asked without preamble.

“Do I want to hear?”

“I was pretty bitchy,” she said.

“Thanks, Neens.” I laughed. “Was Lydia excited?”

“She was, and Jude was really sweet to her. He even wrote a little note to Rose, who is also a big fan of his.”

“That’s sweet.”

She sighed. “It was. He was visibly disappointed you weren’t with us. I gave him your note, but he didn’t read it in front of me. Hedidlook like he was holding himself back from sniffing it, though.”

I groaned. “Not helpful. Not at all.”

“Sorry. I’m just stating my observations.”

“Your observations seem to be more opinion based than rooted in fact.”

I could almost hear her shrug. “Maybe, but I know what I saw.”

We were both quiet for a minute, until I slapped my bed in frustration. “I hate this. Every time I think I’ve moved on, fate or the universe or your beautiful girlfriend put him in front of me again. My memories of Jude Goldman are supposed to stay tucked away with all the dusty memories of boyfriends past. Yet, every few years, they get shaken up, the cobwebs are blown away, and he’s shiny and clear again.”

“I don’t know what to say, Tals. If I saw Heather tomorrow, I’d still cut a bitch, so clearly my headspace is no better than yours.”

I snorted. “Considering I’d never cut anyone, with the exception of Heather, I think you’re doing okay.”

“You are too. Jude istheex-boyfriend. I think he always will be for you. It isn’t like whatever residual feelings you have for him or about him have hindered you from living, you know? You’re doing amazing, baby.”

When we hung up, I took her words in and believed them. My heart was tender and achy, but I wouldn’t stumble. I had too much work to do, too many responsibilities to become mired in memories of my ex-boyfriend.

But as I began to drift off, I had to ask myself how things would have gone down tonight had Claudia not been there. After a minute of turning over the possibilities in my mind, I cut myself off.

Claudiahadbeen there.

Jude would always be my ex.

And there would be no re-dos.