But that was crazy, and entirely possible a figment of my imagination.

He crossed his corded arms over his chest and leaned a hip against the console. “Checking up on me?”

“Of course.” I clutched the strap of my messenger bag so I didn’t do something foolish with my hands, like flail around. “I would be a shitty manager if I didn’t at least pretend to have an idea of what you were doing.”

His mouth twitched higher. “Want me to show you?”

I stepped closer, eyes on the soundboard...and his long fingers resting on two of the switches. “Sure. I can’t say I’ve ever been given even a cursory lesson in this area.”

Jude turned toward the soundboard, waving his hand over it. “Right now, I’m getting the settings on Nick’s new ear monitor where he likes them. Once we get that, we pretty much keep it the same for the tour unless he needs something adjusted.”

He went on, saying things like “wedges,” and “output mixes”—words I normally understood, but not in this context. Added to that were abbreviations he didn’t stop to explain and numbers that meant nothing to me. He turned a dial and pushed another, then spoke to Nick through a mic, asking how it sounded.

Nick played his guitar for a minute and sang part of a song while Jude and I watched and listened. He cut off after the chorus and crossed the stage to us.

“Sounds good, man.” Nick tapped the monitor in his ear. “It’s so much more crisp than the one I used to wear.”

Jude nodded, grinning. “I know. I used these when I toured with Blossoms and Bones. I was genuinely surprised you were still using the HZ-7s. They’re antiquated as hell, in my opinion.”

Nick chuckled. “In your opinion, huh? Pretty sure the HZ-7s were brand new when we last toured.”

Jude lifted a hand. “That was two years ago, right? Time doesn’t stand still and technology changes rapidly.”

They bantered back and forth with some mild trash talking thrown in about the band Jude had worked for previously. I tried to listen, but I kept getting distracted by the way his T-shirt pulled taut over his chest when he moved his arms. And I couldn’t stop noticing how different he was when he talked to Nick. With me, he was edgy, like he was preparing for me to bolt at any moment—with good reason, because, I normally was. But with Nick, Jude was easy and relaxed, two musicians sharing their expertise and craft.

A part of me—admittedly the stupid, whimsical part I tried to suppress at every turn—wished he could be like that with me. I wasn’t sure if he ever had been. I couldn’t deny I enjoyed seeing this side of Jude. He was so competent and professional, and his knowledge of the sound impressed me. Of course, he may have been speaking gibberish to me, but at least itsoundedimpressive.

Eventually, Nick left to go relax and drink his tea before the show, leaving Jude and me alone. Or…as alone as two people could be in a concert venue two hours before the show.

“You should sit with me tonight,” he said.

“Oh? Want to impress me with your skills?” I asked.

The smile slipped from his lips, and his eyes stayed on mine for several long beats. “What if I did?”

Twisting my lips, my gaze moved from Jude’s to where his hand rested on the console. “I’d say I’m already very impressed. As much as I love music, and especially live music, I’ve never thought to learn any of the technical aspects. I imagine the learning curve is huge.”

He rubbed a hand down his face, releasing a soft huff. “God, I missed hearing you talk.”

Instinctively, I took a step back, not because I was offended, but because I didn’t know how to handle compliments from Jude...if thatwasa compliment.

He held up a hand. “Sorry, Stripes. Forget that weird-ass comment. Sit with me tonight?”

“Won’t you be busy?”

“Yeah. Might be the best time for you to be around me. I won’t be able to make awkward, uncomfortable comments.”

I wrinkled my nose. “What makes you think I want to be around you?” I asked, mostly teasing.

Jude’s breath hitched, and he rubbed the back of his neck. “I guess I don’t think that. It’s more that I wantyouaroundme.”

Jude had been flirty from the moment I met him, but it didn’t feel like he was flirting now. Now, it felt like he was being vulnerable and real. And that...I respected, since I knew firsthand how difficult it was to wear your heart on your sleeve for others to crush if they felt so inclined.

“All right. I might not be able to stay for the whole show, but I’d like to see how things work from this side of the stage,” I said.

His eyebrows shot up like I’d startled him with my answer. “Yeah?”

“Yes.” My hands slid up the strap of my bag. “I’ll see you later. I have a couple things to do before the show.”

He nodded, and I turned, leaving him standing there.