
My fingers movedover the keys of my computer, bringing up the screen captures I wanted to show the band. I turned my monitor around, but they weren’t the least bit interested.

David was on the phone, yet again, while Nick and Ian debated whether a Grammy or an Oscar was more impressive. Jasper was the only one who seemed mildly interested.

“This company sells cow manure.” I winked at Jas when his brow furrowed. “I think they’d be a great addition to your branding. Your music would play throughout their commercials, but they’d like to add in something a little more organic, so it suitstheirbrand.”

Jas chuckled. “More cowbell?”

I grinned at him. “You’d think. But not quite.”

Nick waved me off dismissively. “Whatever, Tali. We trust you.”

I arched a brow. “I know you do. Which is why I told them you’d be honored to add mooing sounds to ‘Feels Like Fall’ for the commercial. I told them you might also be amenable to releasing it as a single, with their name as a contributor.”

Jasper nodded, like this was a genius idea. “The song’s a few years old. It could use freshening up.”

I pointed my pen at him. “Exactly. Does everyone agree with Jasper?”

David muttered his agreement while Ian and Nick both said what a great idea it was. I rolled my eyes and set my laptop aside before standing and clapping my hands.

Jasper was full-on laughing. “You’re in trouble.”

David said his goodbyes and hung up his phone. “Did we just agree to be in a cow commercial?”

I smirked at him. “You did indeed. Although, it would be more apt to call it a cowshitcommercial.”

Nick did a double take. “Wait, what? When?”

Taking my seat again, I crossed my legs and leaned forward. “When you weren’t paying attention to me. I seriously cannot be the only one who cares about your career. I need five minutes. That’s all.”

Properly chagrined, they finally gave me their attention. I hated having to scold thirty-something-year-old men, but sometimes they brought out my inner school marm, and I couldn’t stop myself. I told them about an actual offer,notfor cow shit—were cow shit commercials even a thing?—and they agreed to it.

“Can we be done with this now?” David asked.

I closed my laptop yet again. “Yes. I know all this bores you, but it must be done.”

“Right. I get that, and I appreciate the hell out of you. But I have questions. There are some rumors floating around about you, Natalia.” David grinned at me in a way that made him look like a mischievous little boy, but I knew better. He was a devious man who liked to prod at weak spots and see what lay beneath them for his own entertainment.

I groaned. “I’m not talking about Jude anymore. You guys are welcome to gossip amongst yourselves, but my past is my past.”

He slapped his knee. “So, our Tali really does have a wild past. I didn’t believe it.”

Jasper punched his arm. “Leave her alone, dude.”

He held his hands up in innocence. “I didn’t do anything. I’m just curious about our beloved manager.”

I held up two fingers. “You get two questions, then we’ll never speak of this again.”

David pulled the other guys into a huddle, which Ian quickly left. He was not a huddler, and I highly doubted he really cared about what had gone on between Jude and me a million years ago. Ian played his drums, did his puzzles, and hung out with his wife, Valentina. Other than that, he kept to himself.

The other guys were huge gossips. They were constantly all up in each other’s business and everyone else’s. Gossip came with the territory when you traveled the world with a couple hundred people, many of whom were youngish and single, or didn’t let their relationships back home hinder hooking up on the road. Add in the readily available booze and drugs, and we were all swimming around in a pot waiting to be stirred.

The boys broke apart, and David rubbed his hands together beneath his chin. “Ready?”

I gave a sharp nod. “I reserve the right to refuse to answer.”

He groaned. “You’re no fun!”