A minute later, he replied.

Jin:On looking fly as hell in plaid? That’s something I was born with, Tali-bear. It can’t be taught.

I sent him a picture of Jude sleeping in my bed. It was only his bare shoulders and the side of his face. Nothing salacious, but it told a tale words couldn’t.

Jin:So the crossover event has become an entirely new series?

Me:That remains to be seen.

Jin:You know I’m not gonna talk about him.

Me:Do you know how much I respect and love you for being such an unwavering friend to us both?

Jin:Why, Ms. DiPietro, are you trying to flatter information out of me? I am scandalized!

Me:Maybe, but that doesn’t make it any less true. I’m looking for an opinion, not information.

Jin:That sounds like a dangerously gray zone.

Me:I know, I know! But I guess I need some unbiased insight into Jude’s addiction recovery. Can I trust his sobriety? Will stress send him running to his dealer? Am I stupid for even considering him?

Jin:I’m not unbiased, Tali-bear. I can’t make whatever decision you’re struggling with. What I will say is Jude has created a new life for himself where using doesn’t fit in. He’s dealt with the pain his addiction was covering, and he is active in maintaining his sobriety. Anything further, I urge you to ask him. He’ll answer you. Complete honesty has been his method of regaining trust, and holding himself accountable for his current actions.

Jin was so goofy and funny, I often forgot he was a psychologist. But then he said things like this, and I remembered he knew his shit.

Me:Thank you, Jinny.

Jin:I love you both like whoa. I wanna come to the series premiere. Maybe even attend the filming of a Very Special Episode.

Me:Lol, if such an event should ever occur, I’ll put you at the top of the list.

Me:One more thing. Tino told me Jude emailed him after rehab. I was wondering if I should check my email? I haven’t looked at it since before we broke up…

Jin:I think...yeah. If you really want to go there with him, yeah, you should see what he had to say to you.

Jin:I gotta go, Tali-bear. Rebecca’s putting Erin’s lipstick on the dog’s ass again.

I slid my phone inside my purse and woke up my laptop. The screen blazed to life, and for the first time in over a decade, I logged into my Hotmail account. I might have been opening Pandora’s Box, but the second I went to Jude’s hotel room that night in Paris, there had been no going back.