Jude sighed, and with reluctance, released me. We both grew silent as we went through the room, checking for anything we’d left behind. Of course I knew there wasn’t anything; I’d already triple checked. Mostly, I was dragging my feet, and I got the sense Jude was too.

Finally, the time came when we had to go. We rode the elevator down to the lobby in silence, standing so close, our shoulders touched. My car was waiting outside, while Jude would ride with the rest of the crew on a limo bus.

“I’ll call you when I get in,” I said.

He nodded. “Have a good flight, Stripes.”

It felt like there was a lot more that should have been said, but there wasn’t time.

“You too, Jude.”

He cupped my cheek, giving me a chaste kiss before letting me go.

Nick and Davidsat across from me, staring, unblinking.

“Yes?” I peered at them over my laptop. I’d set up an office at the back of the plane, as I normally did when we flew private. Nick, David, and Ian had been sitting up front with Dalia and Valentina, while Jasper was on his way to join his wife in Germany.

“We have a question about your man,” Nick said.

“My man?” Jude and I were in no way public. To be public, we’d have to have a label, and we hadn’t discussed that.

“Jude Goldman. The dude sneaking into your room the last four nights,” David supplied.

I pushed up my imaginary glasses with my middle finger. “What’s the question, gentlemen?”

Nick leaned forward, his hands steepled. “He and I were talking, and he said he’s still making music. We should see if he wants to sign with Rein.”

David nodded with enthusiasm. “I’d kill to get in the studio with him. Never Again is still one of my top five favorite bands.”

David and Jasper especially had taken a keen interest in learning to produce and all the ins and outs of a music studio. David had co-produced Jasper’s wife, Malka’s album with Rein, and he was itching to get back in to record.

I shouldn’t have been surprised at Nick suggesting we sign Jude to our label, but I was. And I wasn’t sure how I felt about it, considering our history.

Sound Engineer Jude was steady and had proven to be reliable. Musician Jude...god, I didn’t know. He had a gift, of that there was no doubt, a gift people were still clamoring to get even a small piece of. But didIwant to be a part of bringing him back into that life?

If I was being real, I had no idea what Jude’s life looked like outside the tour, which should have made me want to pump the brakes. Instead, I wanted to go to his condo while he wasn’t there and snoop in every drawer and dusty corner. At some point, my desire to know this Jude had usurped my desire to guard myself from him.

When I didn’t speak, David jumped back in. “We get your reluctance. But I don’t know if it’s personal or you’re not sure if he fits the label.”

I sighed, rubbing my hands on my jean-clad thighs. “I hadn’t given this idea any thought prior to this moment. Is this something you’ve discussed with Jude?”

“No, absolutely not,” Nick said. “We wouldn’t put you in that position. He and I talked about Rein, and he seemed interested, but I’m not sure he’s even looking for a label.”

“However, we’d like to talk to him about it, gauge where he is,” David said. “But only if you’d be comfortable.”

I rubbed the spot between my eyebrows. “I’ll have to think about it. I’m feeling sort of ambushed here.”

Nick shoved his hand through his hair, his brows pulling together in a pinched line. “That isn’t our intention, Tali. We respect the hell out of you, both professionally and as a friend.”

David nodded. “Yep. We care for you and shit. Just give this idea a thought, but don’t feel bad if you wanna tell us to fuck off.”

Nick chuckled. “Wouldn’t be the first time.”

They ambled away, leaving me to think. I had no answer, and I hated to even broach the idea with Jude without having any idea how I felt about it.

There was one person who could give me answers, but would he?

Me:I need your expertise!