I knocked.

And waited. One heartbeat, then two.

Thump, thump, thump. Where is he?


I turned. Jude had come to a stop at the end of the hall, a plastic bag clutched in his hand.

“What did you get?” I asked, nodding to the bag.

He moved, striding toward me. “If I tell you, you’re going to think I’m a presumptuous asshole. But really, I’m just a hopeful asshole.”

A laugh fell out of me. “Did you buy condoms?”

He stopped in front of me, his eyes darting around my face. “Yeah, I did.”

I slid my palm up his abdomen to his chest, peering at him from beneath my lashes. “Good.”

He shook his head slowly, like he was trying to clear the fog. “What are you wearing?”

“Can we go inside your room?”

“Yeah, baby. Let’s go inside.”