Laughing, I shook my head. “I pity Erin. She gave birth to two little Jins in tiny, adorable female form.”

“Oh, I’m pretty sure Erin enjoys the hell out of all three of them.” She tapped out a response, then met my eyes. “Want to blow Jin’s mind?”

“Hell yes.”

We left the cafe and walked to the middle of the Charles Bridge, finding the most scenic spot. I held Tali’s phone out while she pressed close to my side, my arm wrapped around her shoulders. We both smiled at the camera, and I pressed the screen, snapping a picture of us.

“One more where it looks like you like me,” I said.

Tali peered up at me, and I turned to meet her gaze. “Liking you has never been the problem.”

The click of the phone’s camera had us both jerking to face the screen again. Without even realizing it, I’d snapped a picture of the two of us staring at each other, Tali’s face tipped up to mine, a history book in her eyes.

I handed her the phone back, and she tapped on the picture I’d taken, examining it for a beat.

“I don’t think I’ll send that one to Jin,” she murmured, scrolling to the first one. “This is perfect.”

Within a minute of her sending him the picture, he replied.

Whaaat?!? Are you planning on dumping him over the side of that bridge?

I chuckled. “Based on that reply, I gotta know what the hell you’ve been saying about me.”

She grinned, then tapped out a reply.No plans so far, but the day is young.

Jin:I’m trying to catch up here. I didn’t even know the two of you were speaking and you’re sending me adorable selfies.

Tali:It’s a crossover episode of your two favorite shows.

“Tellhim he can gossip later. We’ve got shit to do,” I grumbled.

Jin:So, this is a special event? A one-off?

Tali:We’ll see :)

Tali put her phone in her back pocket and bumped my arm with her shoulder. “How crazy do you think he’s going right now?”

“Absolutely batshit.”

We strolled across the bridge, stopping occasionally to look at architecture or watch a street performer. The day was still young, but you wouldn’t know it by the amount of tourists already crowding the sidewalks.

Tali grabbed the hem of my shirt and pulled me through a narrow opening between buildings, revealing a small, courtyard garden. An albino peacock roamed through bushes covered in fragrant flowers, and koi fish made periodic splashes in a fountain.

“Did you know this place existed?” I asked.

“No. I saw the gate and wondered what was on the other side. I love finding hidden gems like this.”

We wandered around the meandering, gravel covered paths, our arms brushing from time to time, neither of us making a move to pull away.

“I came here about a year ago,” I said.

“To this garden?” She stopped, facing me.

My mouth quirked in a half-smile. “No, to Prague. I toured with Blossoms and Bones for a while, doing their sound. I know you love Berlin, but this is my favorite city.”

Her eyes grew wide. “Jude! When you asked if I wanted to check out Prague with you, I assumed you didn’t know your way around.” She tapped her fingertips on her forehead. “Of course you’ve been here before.”

“I’ve been here, but I’ve never been here with you. I would’ve walked straight past this place and missed it. I wouldn’t have even known what I was missing.”