
Berlin wasone of my favorite cities in the world. I always made a point to explore the history-filled streets when we stopped here. It was so big, it seemed each time, I discovered something new.

I took the morning off—which was silly, since I was the one who set my own schedule—but I’d gone into my calendar and crossed off this date...or at least the first half of it. I’d be back at the arena for sound-check and the show, but the morning was mine.

Just as I pushed through the revolving doors of the hotel, Jude came up behind me, meeting me on the sidewalk.

“You heading out?”

“Yep.” I stuffed my hands in the pockets of my jean shorts. “You?”

“Yeah, I thought I’d give myself a tour of the city. I was here once with Never Again, but I wasn’t really interested in sightseeing back then.”

“Well, you’re in for a treat. It’s a beautiful city.”

“I’m gonna walk, see what I see.”

That was a terrible plan. The city was massive, and he’d just end up in a mall or something, missing the unique nooks and crannies.

“Do you have a map at least?” I asked, hopeful.

He patted his pocket. “I have my phone. I’ll just Google shit if I need to.”

I hissed. “You’re paining me. I want you to know your total disregard for planning, or at least having a vague idea of what you’d like to see or where you’d like to go, is physically hurting me.” I laid my hand on his arm. “You’re coming with me.”

“I’m not turning you down, even though you’re looking at me like I ruined your day.”

I sighed. “No, you haven’t ruined my day. I’d planned on spending my morning alone, but I don’t mind sharing Berlin with you.”

He bumped my shoulder. “Good, because we were sharing it whether you minded or not.”

Smiling, I pushed my sunglasses down from the top of my head, covering my eyes. I had no idea what I was doing here. I could have given Jude directions to my favorite cafe, or the backyard museums atHaus Schwarzenberg, instead of offering to act as his personal tour guide. I’d meant what I’d said by the pool—I didn’t want to be friends with Jude. Maybe I should have been over what happened between us, but I wasn’t. I’d forgiven, but the hurt was still alive and well.

And yet…

The connection we’d had back then hadn’t faded. We’d tried our damnedest to break it, but we’d ended up only breaking ourselves.

Jude walked next to me, hands tucked in his own pockets, and I chanced a peek up at him from behind the cover of my sunglasses. He wasn’t fooled. His eyes somehow found mine, and he gave me the sweetest, most unsure smile.

“Did you have breakfast?” I asked.

“No. I thought I’d grab something while I stumbled blindly around the city.” At my sigh, he laughed. “Bad plan, huh?”

“The worst.” I picked up my pace. “I’m taking you to the best place to find breakfast in the city.”

Jude was many inches taller than me, so he matched my brisk pace easily. We were headed toward theScheunenviertel, possibly my favorite part of Berlin. I hadn’t really intended on coming here, but Jude deserved to see it,andI remembered it was Thursday, which meant the farmer’s market would be open this morning.

“Are you a coffee drinker?” I asked.

He pressed a hand to his chest. “It’s my only vice these days.”

“You don’t drink anymore?”

“No. I found out I’m an abuser of all substances. And I make really fucking poor choices when I’m drunk.”

“Do you mind being around it? People drinking, I mean.”

“I did at first. I had to completely cut myself off from that lifestyle, you know? But I’ve been sober for eight years. I’m not saying there aren’t days I don’t struggle. There are. But I’m generally pretty good and steady.” He glanced at me. “I could sit with you at a beer garden while you enjoyed a pint and not be tempted. I’d just be enjoying you.”