“I got a thing about keeping promises. I spent a couple mornings watching you sleep, working out the lyrics. His lips pressed against the skin under my ear. “You’re pretty easy to write songs about.”
“Are you going to record that song?”
He worked his hands up to cup my face. “Maybe. I haven’t gotten that far. Haven’t thought of all the logistics of recording an album.”
“You should sign with Rein Records.” I laid my palms on his chest, keeping his gaze on mine. “You could choose your producers, although David has already said he’s frothing to work with you. And you could—”
Jude stepped back, his brows coming together. “You talked about me with David?”
Stunned he was no longer holding me, it took me a beat to catch up and answer his question.
“David and Nick brought the idea to me. And I think we could do something amazing together. Rein Records is like a boutique record label. And obviously you could retain your rights and—”
“Tali.” He gripped my jaw with a firm hand “No. Stop.”
I pulled myself higher and jerked out of his hold. “I don’t understand why you won’t let me finish a sentence. Why are you reacting this way? Are you angry with me?”
He reached for me, but I moved away. I didn’t want him to touch me out of anger, for both our sakes.
“I get off the stage, have my girl in my arms, I blink, and suddenly she’s replaced with a manager. I don’t want that.”
“It’s who I am,” I said, my chin tipped up.
“It’s what you do,” he corrected. “I don’t want you to manage me. I want a life with you, not a business deal.”
I rolled my eyes. He was being stupid and deserved it. “Hey, dude? All you had to do was say no.”
It was as simple as that. Yes, he could sign with Rein Records, work with David, and make an amazing album. It would be a mutually beneficial relationship. But did Rein need him? No, not really. Saying no wouldn’t break us. I wasn’t the least bit surprised he wasn’t into the idea. But his sudden ire?Thathad taken me by surprise.
“I’m saying no.”
With an exasperated exhale, I turned on my Doc Martens to walk away. Before I got a step, Jude caught my wrist, pulling me against his chest.
“Where do you think you’re going?” he murmured next to my hair.
“Nope. You don’t walk away.” He gripped my hips and dipped his chin to get in my face. “I over-fucking-reacted, and I know it. Can I start over?”
“You can try,” I said.
“Tali, I appreciate the offer. In another life, I’d jump at it. But for me, my music has to be entirely on my own terms. You have to understand how bad my Never Again days were. I felt like I was dying every day and my life wasn’t my own. The idea of going back to thatterrifiesme. Logic and reason don’t touch that fear.” He cupped my face again, looking into my eyes to make sure I was with him. “IknowRein wouldn’t be like that. But my brain, it’s a tricky place. When you start talking about record deals, I go right back to that place of fear, and I want to retreat while lashing out on my way out the door. I’m sorry I was an ass. I fucking love you, love the career you’ve built, and I respect you immensely. I love you, and I’m not going to sign any record dealsbecauseI want this life with you.”
I softened to him immediately, lifting to my toes to press a kiss to his lips. This was the man I wanted. His terms were clear, and his explanation rang true. I’d been hesitant to bring up signing with Rein in the first place, and maybe deep down, this was why.
But the manager in me had to ask.
“I understand, and I love you too.”
His eyebrow raised. “That’s it?”
I nodded. “That’s it. You explained and apologized. I understand and forgive you. We can definitely talk more about this. Iwantto talk more about it. But right now, our friends are out there waiting for us. And I’d rather go eat a piece of cake and celebrate the show you put on than stand in this dressing room having serious discussions.” I threaded our fingers together. “Okay?”
He exhaled and smiled. “Yeah, that’s okay. Let’s go eat some cake and celebrate.”