
I shouldn’t have been surprisedthat the process of recording an album with the backing of a major label didn’t look anything like the indie label where I interned. We were stripped down, bare bones, getting tracks laid down for as little money as possible, while still maintaining quality and artistic integrity.

It seemed to me Jude’s record label had money to burn—literally. They might as well have piled up a bunch of Benjamins and lit those babies on fire for as efficient as the recording process was.

There were so many cooks in the kitchen. Everyone had an opinion, and from my perspective, none were right.

“You’re looking lonely over here.” Jin sat next to me on the leather loveseat I’d been camped out on all day with my school books piled around me. He sighed and laid his head on my shoulder. “This shit is not as glamorous as I imagined.”

I snorted. “Hopefully you guys will be done soon, then you’ll get to tour.”

“Never gonna be done. They’re asking for Jude to write more songs, like they just flow out of him. One guy suggested hiring a songwriter, and I swear to god, your boy’s head almost exploded.”

I frowned, watching Jude argue with a producer behind soundproof glass. It seemed like he’d been doing that all day.

“There’s nothing wrong with bringing in a songwriter,” I said.

Jin nestled in closer. “Tell Jude that. Or don’t. He’ll get pissed.”

Jeremy came and flopped down on my other side. “College bars and Tino’s parties are looking better and better.”

“See if you’re still saying that when you get paid,” I said.

He slouched down, drumming his fingers on his stomach. “Money is the root of all evil.”

“And pays the bills.”

Jin held his finger up. “And supplies me with pills. Although...can’t say I’ve had to pay lately.”

“Be careful,” I said.

Jin snickered. “Yes, Mom.”

“I seem to remember you not minding pills,” Jeremy said.

“On occasion. But I really hate for it to become a ‘thing’ for either of you. You’re far too cool to end up a cliché.”

Jin leaned forward, talking to Jeremy around me. “Did you hear that? Tali thinks we’re cool.”

Jeremy high-fived him. “Fuck yes. Dreams have come true today.”

“Also, I hope you’re having this chat with your boyfriend, because…” Jin swiped a finger under his nose and sniffed.

It wasn’t that I was unaware Jude partied from time to time, but coke? I’d never seen that. I’d never even imagined that was something he’d dabble in.

Before I could ask the five thousand questions swirling in my mind, Seven stormed out of the sound booth, looking like he was on a warpath. “That fucking kid.” He slammed his fist into the wall before throwing open the door and walking out of the room.

Jude came out behind him, his eyes laser focused on mine. His hand shot out, open and waiting for me to slip mine in it. “Need you for a minute, Stripes.”

I let him pull me up and tug me out of the room. We marched down the hall in silence until we came to an empty office. Jude guided me inside and shut the door behind him. His hands went to my face, and without a word, he pulled me in for a hard kiss. His tongue pushed into my mouth, claiming me in the way he never failed to do.

It didn’t go further than a kiss, but he left me weak-kneed and foggy-minded.

Breathing heavy, he backed away, fisting his hair with a frustrated growl. “I can’t take it, Tals. I can’t do this.”

“What, Jude? Tell me what you can’t do.”

He threw his hands out to the side. “I can’t listen to fifty different opinions, all of which I don’t agree with. I can’t let some slick, corporate songwriter come in and package up our music with a pretty bow.”