
“She’s here.”Ben paced the area behind the stage, making this confusing announcement before I’d even hopped off.

I swiped the back of my hand over my sweaty forehead. “Who?”

“The girl from the elevator. Tali. Fuck, I spent the better part of an hour talking to her.”

Ah, Elevator Girl. Eyes like dark chocolate, lips made for dirty, dirty things, shook like a little leaf when I got close. Ben had a crush, but then healwayshad a crush. I predicted he’d be married with a couple kids before thirty. He was the settling down type.

“She cool?” I took a long swallow from a bottle of water.

He stopped pacing, and that was when I saw how dilated his pupils were. He’d been making a habit of this. In the back of my mind, I wondered if I should be getting concerned. But nah, he was Ben. Reliable as hell Ben. So he liked to take a pill or two every now and then. Who didn’t?

“Her musical taste is better than mine or yours. And up close, she’s got these, like, gold flecks in her eyes.” He raked his fingers through his hair. “Said she’s not looking to be tied down.”

“Didn’t know you were into that scene.”

“She was wearing the bracelet you gave her.” His eyes narrowed on mine.

I chuckled at how disgruntled he was with me. I’d only given her the bracelet to get a reaction out of her. Her pink cheeks and wild eyes had been exactly what I’d been hoping for.

I clapped a hand on his shoulder. “It’s not an engagement ring. Relax, baby. You need a drink.”

He nodded. “Grab me one? I don’t want to go inside right now.” He rubbed his chest. “There’s not enough air in there.”

It took me a while to make my way across the lawn. Every few feet, I had to stop and talk to people. It wasn’t a hardship, accepting the thick praise. I lived for it. It made playing on this humble stage worth it.

Tino was by the keg, deep in conversation with someone I couldn’t see over his tall shoulders. I nudged him from behind. “Move it, asshole.”

He swiveled around, scowl at the ready, but when he saw it was me, a smile broke out on his face and he yanked me into a bear hug. “Judy Jude with the voice of an angel. How goes it?”

I poured myself a beer from the keg and took a hearty sip. “It goes. Thanks for having us, man.”

“My complete and utter pleasure.” He threw an arm around me. “I hear you’ve met my new best friend, Tali.”

And there she was. Elevator Girl. This afternoon, she’d been adorable in her little band tee and baggy jeans, but now, she looked like a wet dream. I couldn’t decide where to direct my eyes first. The curves of her hip bones and span of flat, tan stomach above her dangerously low jeans. The soft fullness of her tits. The shine coating her wide mouth, filling my head with naughty thoughts. The surprising and transfixing depth behind her kohl-lined eyes. No wonder Ben was so fucking sprung.

I gave her a crooked smile. “Long time, Stripes.”

She tipped her cup in my direction. “Funny seeing you here.”

She sounded a hell of a lot more confident tonight, but that was probably due to the flowing alcohol.

“Tali enjoyed your show,” Tino said.

I raised a brow before I took another drink. “Did you?”

“You know you’re good. You gave me Chris Cornell vibes. Not that you’re derivative. You definitely have your own sound. But there’s a smoky quality to your voice that reminds me of him.” She paused and took a breath. “Okay, I’ll shut up now.”

I leaned against the tile counter, eyeing her again. “I think it’s cool as shit that you’re really into music.”

She shrugged. “I’ve never been able to play or sing, but I know what I like.”

“And what you don’t?”

“Yes, absolutely.”

This pretty girl with chocolate eyes had my attention. Our gazes locked, and for a second, we were it. It was like when I’d given her that bracelet earlier. Something sprouted from my chest and reached toward her. It was raw and almost painful. In that moment, I could have reached out and touched it...or chopped it off.